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The Death of Love

An ode for cruelty that will never be sung.

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

He's waiting for me, out there in the dark.

I can sense his iniquity, I can feel his wickedness.

I wait, I wonder what form he will take tonight.

I am not afraid, he has taken me many times before.

I can not escape, and I can not run.

I am but a victim to the beast.

He knows all of my weaknesses.

He knows just when to strike.

The birds are circling above and I know why.

I stare into the void, offering my sanity as a sacrifice.

The wait is torture, my skin crawls as shivers trickle down my spine.

I watched as the serpent crept up my side.

The cool Autumn breeze feels like ice on my skin.

The leaves falling from the trees are weeping for me.

I can hear the wind howling softly, bidding me farewell.

I hear his footsteps coming closer.

I take a shaky breath as I brace myself for what is surely coming.

I can feel his breath sliding down my neck.

He teases my soul, he takes his time.

Invisible hands reach out from the fog, they are pulling me in.

The grass beneath my feet is cool and moist. A perfect place to die.

The silence invades my mind. I hear my heart beating in my ears. I shiver.

The torment becomes more than I can bear.

I am shackled by the unperceived.

My blood turns cold, I can feel the ice piercing my veins.

He is all around me yet I am blindfolded by enigma.

Phantom fingers reach into my soul.

He plunders my essence. I gasp.

I fall to the ground, fully prepared to succumb to his embrace.

He taunts. He takes his time. He delights in my anguish.

The golden moon watches from above.

Her testimonial is melancholic and forlorn.

She is helpless as am I.

Her gentle tears fall as the rain, touching my face.

The breeze carries my spirit somewhere cold.

My mortality simmers and coddles in the umbra.

He watches as I conclude. I stop living.

My eulogy was written in the fading stars just as dawn was breaking over the horizon.

My spirit lingers somewhere between heaven and hell.

The netherworld; purgatory.

Such a tragedy was the life of the unloved, the unwanted, and misunderstood.

It was a rapture of the unworthy.

A plea of mercy that fell upon deaf ears.

An ode for cruelty that would never be sung.

My time has come, redefined happiness in a place that has never existed.

Trapped in autumn, buried beneath the leaves.

It was the last night of sadness.

I can't look back, I won't say goodbye.

In the end, it comes for us all.

In the cold dark night when we just can't go on.

Let the flowers of evil bloom.

Let me be so dead and gone, so far away from life.

Bury my remains in an unmarked grave in your heart.

In the dystopia, I will be born again dead.

Shedding skin to a dying song.

A song about love and innocence that I once sang for you.

How fragile is a heart that is blinded by the power of love.

I kissed the void and crawled straight into its heart.

You've turned your back on love again and again.

Each time I died a little more.

Each night I waited for the reaper to carry your words.

Ripping my heart out, you left me bleeding with a smile on my face.

I burned in your flames again and again.

I look to you and I see nothing.

The stars don't shine now that you're gone.

My heart is trapped in a cemetery that bears your name.

Can't you see what has happened?

I died in your arms. The coldest, somber place.

You are the dark side of the sun.

There is no light. There is no love.

With my blood, you are now free.

Cold, underneath the starry night.

Breathing in everything but air. I am dead.

A moment of calm before the storm.

And so, So I wander the dark on my own.

Shadows grow taller, I'm sleeping on my scars.

Church bells toll. Thunder roars around me.

I am forever cold like the winter sun.

Gently swinging in the warm autumn breeze.

You built me a bridge soaked in gasoline and then threw in the torch.

Where am I to go?

Into a nightmare within a nightmare, that I was bound to adore.

I crawl, I breathe, I bleed out sorrow.

I weep for the dream in a grave.

A map of the scars on a heart bruised and torn.

I lift the lid off my heart's casket in the downpour.

Love's the devil counting teardrops in the rain.

A promise of heaven pushed me right back to hell.

I am dead to you, a shadow doomed.

Love preys the living and praises the dead.

Sorrow rebuild me as I step out of the light.

Redemption beyond right and wrong.

Touching the pain that you left me with.

My heart is a graveyard; the seeds of hatred are sewn.

Through the dark gardens of insanity.

Tears have turned from sweet to sour and hours to days.

Heaven was a lie and you threw away the key.

I was killing myself one kiss at a time.

Silenced by the fear of dying in your heart once again.

I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring.

The poison tears of a love denied.

I covered the carcass of time with flowers.

The suicide of love took away all that matters.

I am not afraid, you have taken me many times before.

I can not escape, and I can not run.

I am but a victim to the beast. I am dead.


About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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