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The Comfort in Knowing

We are not without hope.

By Danielle Elizabeth AndrewsPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Photo by Timothy M. Roberts via Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.

Oh, Grief!

My constant companion.

The thorn in my side.

How many days, nights have I cried?

How many pleas have you denied?

Why couldn't you deliver the truth?

Why do you leave me to suffer so?

There is a comfort in the knowing, you know?

All this time, you could've shown me the truth.


Instead, I came to the realization myself.

These losses, these fatalities,

Reminders of our mortality.

It is not the end.

I am not without hope.

You left me to drown,

When I could barely cope.


Love, when it's true, is an unconditional, impenetrable force.

Time and distance will never lessen,

Nor render it apart.

Some souls are linked to ours for always.

Their course is linked to ours from the very start.

We will be kindred spirits for all eternity

There's no way that you can steal them from me.

Never fully. Not truthfully.

Even though we've been forced apart.


Although some memories may seem to fade

The heart always knows.

Even when the details become fuzzy

There's an undeniable bond.

You cannot tear it from my heart's recollection.

You think that you've devoured my family.

Yet they're always here.

Did you really think that I would not know?

That I'd not discover?

That I'd never uncover your show?


I feel them here,

With every beat.

Sometimes I still glimpse them while walking down our street.

They're always on my periphery

Especially in these places of our history.

Sure they may vanish upon closer inspection

But I'm content to know they're lurking between space and time.


For now I'll close my eyes,

Allow it all to rewind.

Happy to find

That we're always aligned.

No need for a closer inspection

I know I'm not losing my mind.

It's their words I hear.

They play upon the edges as our thoughts become entwined.


For now, I'll simply take it as a sign.

Take it as means of comfort for all time.

That my loved ones, they've never left me behind.

They've not gone all that far away.

We will be reunited, in another life,

On another day.

So, Grief, run along now.

My emotions are not for you to play.


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About the Creator

Danielle Elizabeth Andrews

An avid reader who also loves writing about all sorts of things (Life, love, family, books, poetry, the world around us).

Follow me on: Twitter and Medium

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