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Dissecting the Darkness Within.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Arthur Lambillotte on Unsplash

In the shadows of the human heart,
Where darkness festers and grows,
There lies the anatomy of hatred,
A beast with many faces, many forms.

It begins as a whisper, a seed of doubt,
Planted by fear, watered by ignorance,
Its roots burrow deep, unseen, unnoticed,
Until it sprouts, a tendril of malice.

Hatred feeds on division, on the other,
It thrives in the cracks of understanding,
Where empathy has withered, and compassion faltered,
It finds a home, a fertile ground.

Look into its eyes, and see the fire,
The burning ember of anger and resentment,
A flame that consumes all in its path,
Leaving only ashes, and the scent of despair.

Hatred is a poison, a venomous bite,
It spreads through veins, corrupts the soul,
It blinds the eyes, hardens the heart,
Turns love into loathing, peace into war.

It speaks in the language of us and them,
A dialect of exclusion and contempt,
It builds walls, erects barriers,
Shuts out the light of reason and truth.

In the anatomy of hatred, there is no room for nuance,
No space for shades of gray or understanding,
It thrives on absolutes, on certainty,
On the false comfort of black and white.

Hatred is a mirror, reflecting our darkest fears,
Our deepest insecurities, our unspoken pain,
It shows us what we fear to become,
And in that reflection, we lose ourselves.

It is a shadow that follows us, unseen,
A whisper in the night, a gnawing doubt,
It twists our thoughts, distorts our view,
Until we see enemies where friends once stood.

In the anatomy of hatred, trust is a casualty,
It is a bridge burned, a bond broken,
It leaves us isolated, alone,
Trapped in a cage of our own making.

Hatred wears many masks, takes many forms,
It can be a shout, a scream, a silent glare,
It can be a word, a gesture, a clenched fist,
It is the bully in the schoolyard, the tyrant on the throne.

It is the divide between nations, the rift between neighbors,
It is the violence in the streets, the war in distant lands,
It is the prejudice in our hearts, the bias in our minds,
It is the wound that never heals, the scar that remains.

But hatred is not invincible, it is not eternal,
It can be challenged, it can be undone,
It requires courage, it demands strength,
It asks us to face our fears, confront our pain.

In the anatomy of hatred, there is a sliver of hope,
A possibility of redemption, a chance for change,
It begins with a whisper, a seed of doubt,
Planted by love, watered by understanding.

We must look into the eyes of hatred, and see our reflection,
We must acknowledge our fears, our pain, our flaws,
We must reach out with empathy, with compassion,
We must tear down the walls, break the barriers.

In the anatomy of hatred, there is a heart,
A heart that once knew love, that once felt joy,
It is buried deep, beneath layers of pain,
But it can be found, it can be healed.

Hatred is a wound, a deep and festering sore,
It requires care, it demands attention,
It asks us to listen, to understand,
To heal the hurt, to mend the rift.

We must learn to speak the language of empathy,
To embrace the dialect of compassion and understanding,
We must find the courage to face the other,
To see in them a reflection of ourselves.

In the anatomy of hatred, there is a choice,
A choice to continue down the path of darkness,
Or to turn towards the light, towards hope,
It is a choice we must make, each and every day.

Hatred is a fire, but so is love,
Both can consume, both can transform,
But love builds, where hatred destroys,
Love heals, where hatred wounds.

We must choose love, again and again,
We must plant seeds of understanding, of compassion,
We must water them with empathy, with kindness,
We must nurture them, and watch them grow.

In the anatomy of hatred, there is a lesson,
A lesson of our shared humanity,
A reminder that we are all connected,
That our fates are intertwined.

Hatred seeks to divide, to isolate,
But love seeks to unite, to bring together,
We must remember this, hold it close,
As we navigate the complexities of the human heart.

In the end, the anatomy of hatred is a mirror,
Reflecting our darkest fears, our deepest pain,
But it also shows us the path to healing,
The way towards love, towards understanding.

We must look into that mirror, with courage,
We must face our fears, confront our pain,
We must choose love, again and again,
We must dismantle the anatomy of hatred, piece by piece.

For in its disassembly, we find ourselves,
We find our shared humanity, our common bond,
We find the seeds of a better world,
A world where love triumphs, where hatred is no more.

In the quiet of the night, when the shadows fall,
And the whispers of hatred seek to take hold,
We must remember the power of love,
The strength of compassion, the force of empathy.

We must rise above the darkness, reach for the light,
We must dismantle the anatomy of hatred,
And in its place, build a world of love,
A world of understanding, a world of peac

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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