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Tears of Resilience"

The Extraordinary Journey of Embracing Suffering and Strength"

By KamilPublished 7 months ago 1 min read
Tears of Resilience"
Photo by Oleg Onchky on Unsplash

I am the creator of my own tempest, yet within every tear, there is a glimmer.

One that carries the heavy burden of loss but also ignites me with its fiery spirit.

Is it not a wondrous sight?

This peculiar fusion of suffering and strength?

My tears are neither a sign of weakness nor a badge of shame — they flow freely to purify where wounds reside

Deep within — a cleansing baptism beneath the starless night.

When darkness envelops me completely, I recall my tears — minuscule fragments of a raging fire. Each one a relic of emotions fully and passionately experienced; a manifestation not to be disregarded as mere trails of salt on weary cheeks.

Do they originate from happiness, these shimmering, spherical entities that slide down in silence?

Or are they born from the embrace of despair?

Within their crystal-clear depths dwells the essence of humanity entwined with a life marked by love gained and lost.

In shedding them, I find immeasurable strength. In holding them back...an ocean constrained behind unflinching eyes!

You see me aflame with more than just sorrow: it is resilience incarnate in salty droplets that narrate stories only silence can bear witness to.

I am an ordinary soul transformed into something extraordinary by the intensity that spills over from the windows of my eyes, gazing boldly into the future!

sad poetry

About the Creator


I am in pursuit of a space where I can freely unleash my ideas and artistic pursuits. As a writer who enjoys immersing myself in life's experiences and learning from them, I constantly seek to expand my understanding of the world.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    This was so profound, thought provoking and poignant! I loved it!

  • Test7 months ago

    The poem is a beautiful and powerful exploration of the meaning of tears. The speaker reflects on how their tears are not a sign of weakness, but rather a manifestation of their strength, resilience, and humanity.

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