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Summer Glow

Echoes of Sun and Sea

By Saa CrackPublished 9 months ago 2 min read

In the vast scenery of the golden season,

Where the sun awakens the earth embraced,

Summer emerges with its mantle of light,

And nature awakens with eagerness and cross.

The days unfold like butterfly wings,

Carrying with them a blissful promise,

The hours lengthen, time expands,

And life is tinged with vibrant colors.

Under the radiant sky, the flora unfolds,

Painting landscapes that the heart advises,

Gardens are canvases of infinite hues,

And fragrances float like blessed whispers.

The breeze caresses the skin with its soft caress,

The sun pours kisses in an enrapturing game,

The skin is bathed in rays of shining gold,

And the spirit soars, jubilant and vibrant.

The waves of the sea dance to the rhythm of the wind,

Breaking on the shore with a sweet lament,

The sand receives the embrace of water and foam,

While the sun and the sea dance in a symphony of feather.

Children run free, laughter in their voice,

Building castles in the sand, without speed,

Parents watch with tender looks,

The gift of summer in every modern curve.

On the day's canvas, the afternoons are clothed in color,

The sky is tinged orange and red, in glares,

The sun sinks gracefully into the horizon,

Leaving a gift in the sky: the moon in its box.

The mountains rise in majestic splendor,

Dressed in green and life, with an aura of candor,

Rivers and streams flow with laughter and verve,

While the trails invite you to explore the wilderness.

Starry nights are a treasure in the firmament,

The moon shines its light, soft and slow,

The stars twinkle like diamonds in the sky,

Telling ancient stories in their parallel glow.

Festivals fill the streets with their bustle,

Music and laughter fill the air, in melodies,

The aromas of delicious foods intertwine,

And dances celebrate life in this dance.

Friends and families gather in heartfelt embraces,

Sharing moments, laughter and true wishes,

Summer unites hearts in sweet song,

Weaving memories that will last in the eternity of a corner.

Oh, summer, treasure ephemeral but eternal in essence,

You are a balm for the soul, a light in the conscience,

Your warmth and your energy remind us of vitality,

And invite us to embrace life with fullness and clarity.

Thus the summer goes by, a poem in each day,

A story that unfolds with joy,

Echoes of sun and sea echo in every corner,

Filling us with gratitude and an eternal reward.

(Image made by AI).

inspirationalnature poetry

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Comments (2)

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  • Manisha Dhalani9 months ago

    Hopeful poem with vivid imageries - loved it!

  • Missclicked9 months ago

    Beautiful lines, loved reading this!

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