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I know I can --- but how do I love?

By TestPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
CDD20 from Pixabay

How do we love one another?

How do I learn your character,

The good and the bad,

As you learn mine,

Like the way I always recheck anything,


The way I find ways to critique

just about everything,


now my project is



How do I kiss,

lies and truths can utter the same things from your lips

or even his?

How do I blossom when you have over-fertilized,

and I am a wilting dandelion?

I don’t need a partner in crime to create

the most untamed masterpieces,

Flew too soon, too far,

now I have drifted to seen things that I did not want to see

places that I did not want to be.

How do I love if we are no different

than the cat or the dog,

the kangaroo or squirrel,

or the narwhal or the squid?

Or the weeds sprouting from the sidewalks?

Now who is this you really love?

What is in a truth?


How do I love if the day I die is the day I realize

there is no special place of eternity?

No place where I can still embody

all the virtues that I

try to represent?

To the very least.

What if I am not my body?

I am not even my


What is in faith?

Where would faith come from,

what good would faith do?

What does an age-old book know that I won’t know about where we’re from,

and where we’re going?

How do I love?

I’m dirt.


How do I love if emotions are only words

describing insanity and irrationality?

How do I conceptualize passion, desire, hatred


loneliness and yearning?

What would love letters say and be if we are tanks

Devoid of


How do we love if we don’t know these answers?


If we are mechanical things of indifference,

I know I can ---

but how do I love?




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