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Solitude's Embrace


By InkVersePublished 3 months ago 1 min read
 Solitude's Embrace
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of the night,

Where shadows linger, out of sight.

A silent echo, a whispered trace,

Entwined with the bittersweet of solitude's embrace.

Alone I stand, 'neath the moon's soft glow,

A solitary figure in the ebon flow.

The world spins on, a distant hum,

Yet, in this silence, my heart feels numb.

The stars above, distant and cold,

Their tales untold, their mysteries unfold.

A cosmic dance, in the vast expanse,

Yet, within, a yearning for connection's chance.

Loneliness, a silent, echoing song,

A melody of solitude that plays along.

Footsteps echo in the empty space,

A solitary journey, a solitary pace.

Yet, within this quiet, a strength is found,

In solitude's embrace, a truth unbound.

A chance to know oneself, to introspect,

To mend the wounds that loneliness may dissect.

So, let the night unfold its tale,

In loneliness, strength and resilience prevail.

For in the echoes of solitude's grace,

A deeper understanding, a soul's embrace.

love poems

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