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Solitary Horizon

in the poem of solitude, where the soul finds its truth.

By Eduarda RodriguesPublished 5 months ago 1 min read

In the cold heart, where hope fades,

stars weep tears that the wind entwines.

The moon, a silent witness of desolation,

reflects melancholy in its consternation.

In each beat, the echo of loneliness resonates,

a poem of sadness, a story that hurts.

In the dancing shadows of abandonment,

I feel deep pain, a cry without solace.

The nocturnal silence, an accomplice of agony,

envelops me like a cloak of melancholy.

I walk through empty streets, lost in farewell,

a lament echoing in the wounded soul.

On the solitary horizon, where the sun bids farewell,

forgotten verses tell the preceding story.

The breeze of sadness caresses my face,

in a somber encounter, where discouragement is the taste.

In the score of abandonment, the music is sad,

each note carries the lingering longing.

Among the tears of the moon, I whisper my goodbye,

in the song of solitude, where the heart warms.

Thus, in the dance of shadows, emotion reveals itself,

like a poem bleeding in the starry night.

May each word resonate with the intensity of longing,

in the poem of solitude, where the soul finds its truth.

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sad poetrysurreal poetry

About the Creator

Eduarda Rodrigues

Hello, I am 20 years old. I really enjoy writing stories, poems, and giving advice!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    This hit me so hard! Loved your poignant poem!

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