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Simple Little Dates


By Gregory D. WelchPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Simple Little Dates
Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash

Come on home darlin, let's wrap each other up in a little of those feel-good moments and that old fuzzy blanket, scoot in close babe, let's cuddle up close and steal a few kisses

Let's strike a match babe, get those candles dancing while we start kissing, hugging each other up, chasing laughter and love with quiet little chats

Let's write love notes on our little moments, whispering so much and all the feels with the soft sound of butterflies flying between your heart and mine

You in my arms, and our simple little dates before we cuddle up close and drift off to sleep with smiles and all the feels, darlin, it's all the little things we do that mean so much 

Let's get some candles burning, cuddle up close and steal a few kisses, chasing laughter and quiet little chats in that splash of light dancing across your cheeks as you peek at me and smile my favorite smile

Ask me what my best moment was today and I'll always answer any moment with you, especially when you're laughing and we're loving, writing love letters on little moments and sending them sealed with kisses

You in my arms, simple dates that say so much, laughing and loving, chatting about a little of everything and nothing at all, surprising each other with little surprises, this is all I want from life - a little of you and a little of me and all of our little moments

Hold my hand darlin, lace your fingers with mine, whatever we're doing, let's do it together, me and you, tucked in close, living this crazy life, keeping it simple whenever we can

Let's write love letters on our little moments, send them to each other with little kisses and all the feels, ask me my favorite moment and darlin it's any moment with you

Hey babe, close your eyes, I want you to feel me kissing you deeply, touching your lips, and when you open your eyes again, see me grinning your favorite grin

It's the little things that almost no one else would notice, our little love language whispered between your heart and mine, a lived in, loved in life with you, that's all I want darlin - a little of you, and a little of me, dancing and loving in our little moments

Let's kiss in a way that gives you butterflies and makes my heart skip a beat, just a little love dancing between our lips, a nibble or two for good measure, my hand gently holding your face, caressing you, and so much said with just our eyes meeting before kissing some more

Close your eyes darlin, feel me touch your lips, my fingers slowly caressing your face before I lean in and kiss you gently, softly, deeply, and with all the feels dancing to the song of our heartbeats singing to one another

Let's write love notes on our little moments, and let butterflies carry all the feels from your heart to mine and my heart back to yours

Let's kiss with just enough passion to make your butterflies blush and flutter their wings, and just enough passion to make my heart skip a beat

Let's head on home darlin and wrap ourselves up in all those little moments, that old fuzzy blanket, melting into each other, chasing a few laughs, and stealing a few kisses

love poems

About the Creator

Gregory D. Welch

Kentucky poet & scribbler. Inspiring creatives to live a creative lifestyle. Creating with courage, passion, & purpose-fueled growth. Progress over perfection.

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