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She's Gone Home

Mourning the Light and the Darkness Out Loud

By Dale AllmanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

“Blinking eyes in an instant

“I’m gone.” she said

Lifted from this darkness

To Glory home and lightness”

“Seeing her leave in humble tones

Knowing new robes shimmer with gold

Pearls in her crown

Because she believed”

“Raising her beautiful voice

(She never thought it so)

Praise and honor

For Him who sweetness bestowed”

“Restored to her former glory

Before time and space began

Shining now before Him

The race beautifully ran, finally at home”

“Leaving darkness and worry behind

Hearing familiar voices

On the lighted path

Upward to heavens unknown”

“Pain and tears left all behind

Only here in darkness

Present in this place

To find our way still”

“Embrace this darkness they say

Who’ve never lost a piece

Of whom we are or have become

Only too because we have to stay”

“Returning in her shimmering lights

To show what will be done

Once left from here, going home

In time, but only when His right”

“Searching this darkness in order to remain

Going down into the depths

Surrounded by memories and ghosts

Of distant trials by fire and ice”

“Recognizing the names of streets

Having been here before

Clinging to that inner strength

Core built on beliefs in faith”

“No more kissing away the pain

Need it not now

Related breath of fresh light

Like balm from Gilead”

“Only two can know

These darkest moments

In time without end

Trying to drown all hope”

“But light is stronger still

Only see it from the depths

Darkness surrounding but not complete

Reaching inside first”

“Taking in the momentary rage

At feeling trapped beneath

The feathery frost of living

Lightly settling in”

“Down and deep

Under dark blue midnight

Moon shadows ethereal light

Only reflecting glimpses of truth”

“Pushing out from within

Flashes of brilliance

Illuminate resistance

But only Lilliputian narrow paths ahead”

“Darkness remains unfettered

Couching anger and remorse

With fiery vessels

Filled to the top and more”

“Flames surging now in heat

Sweat pouring from our souls

Reaching ever upward

Stepping lightly over death”

“Following steps made before

When time and space stood still

Remembering past lace

And beauty hearts”

“Nurturing found lights

Caressing fond memories

Armed for battle

From shields and bucklers leather made”

“Pull down this darkness and remorse

Fully embraced then shattered

With the truth of being one

Only believers know”

“Flame and frost meet

Melting darknesses away

Fiery memories serve

The lightness of today”

“Woven cloth cut from the bolt

Tighter weaves from time

Hearts and souls combined

Never to unwind”

“Sitting in this darkness

Surrounded by depths of gloom

Murky in its passing

Round corners dread of doom”

“Yet comes the time ahead

When fear has no more hold

Alone but not lonely, headed home

Resting in what’s unknown”

“Beliefs carry weight untold

Bearing dark shadows away

Leaving hope to remain

That we might rise another day”

“God blending now with then

So stinging death does not apply

Dark miseries fading fast

Light’s reflection shining in”

“Into the breach we rise

Steadfast feet climbing upward more

To reach the end unbound

This earth’s release be found”

“Candles in the window

To keep our lamps lit

For the coming once again

Of death’s dark angels”

“Who knows when or why

But Him that guides our journey

Fraught with seeming trials and fire

Mattering no more at then”

“Under the flag of moonlight

Dark blues and heather hues

Run to the lightness

Of being here no more”

“I’m gone.” she said

Without a single pause

In that breath of a moment

The destiny of us both”

“Her on to her due and Home

Me in my darkness too

Glory wins and darkness fails

That we will meet again”


About the Creator

Dale Allman

Dale started writing and proofreading at a very young age, after school in his parents newspaper. Corporate career, numerous awards and recognition followed. Dale writes now to inform, uplift and entertain.

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