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Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' in 2 Pages

An Abridged Script for Students

By Orion BradshawPublished 5 years ago 2 min read
"We are such stuff as Dreams are made on..."

THE TEMPEST in Two Pages

By William Shakespeare

Adapted by Orion Bradshaw















STORYTELLER: Prospero, a mighty sorcerer—with the help of his sprite servant, Ariel—conjures a tempest, to encapture Alonso and his entourage. Alonso is the King of Naples, and with the help of Prospero’s evil brother, Antonio, overthrew Prospero and banished him twelve years ago.

(ALONSO, FERDINAND, ANTONIO, SEBASTIAN, GONZALO, STEPHANO and TRINCULO all “wash up onshore”—as in, they lay on the floor, forming a large circle on the outskirts of the stage.)

PROSPERO: Now does my project gather to a head.

My charms crack not; my spirits obey!

MIRANDA: If by your art, my dearest father, you have

Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them!

STORYTELLER: Miranda and Ferdinand, the king’s son, quickly fall in love with one another.

(FERDINAND rises and runs over to MIRANDA; they embrace.)

MIRANDA: I would not wish any companion in the world but you.

FERDINAND: The very instant that I saw you,

did my heart fly to your service.

(Enter CALIBAN, who stands off to one side.)

STORYTELLER: Meanwhile, another one of Prospero’s servants—an islander named Caliban—is plotting to kill Prospero with Alonso’s butler and court jester, Stephano and Trinculo.

(STEPHANO and TRINCULO rise, and join CALIBAN.)

CALIBAN: Within this half hour will he be asleep;

Wilt thou destroy him then?

STEPHANO: Monster, I will kill this man!

STORYTELLER: Luckily, Ariel foils their assassination plot. S/He then brings Alonso and the captives before Prospero.

(ALONSO and the others all rise, and look at PROSPERO.)

PROSPERO: (To Alonso) Behold, sir king,

The wrongéd Duke of Milan, Prospero:

A living prince does now speak to thee.

(To Antonio) For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother

Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive

Thy rankest fault—all of them; and require

My dukedom of thee.


STORYTELLER: King Alonso gives the dukedom back to the wronged Prospero, and blesses the marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda.

(ALONSO shakes hands with PROSPERO, kisses the hand of MIRANDA, and hugs FERDINAND.)

ARIEL: (To Prospero) Was’t well done, sir?

PROSPERO: Bravely, my Ariel! Thou shalt be free.

STORYTELLER: Prospero frees Ariel. (Exit ARIEL.)

He forgives all the wrongs done to him and Miranda, and they all sail back to Italy together.

He decides to leave his magic behind, on the island.

(Exeunt all, except PROSPERO.)

PROSPERO: (To audience)

Now my charms are all o’erthrown,

And what strength I have’s mine own.

As you from crimes would pardon’d be,

Let your indulgence set me free.




About the Creator

Orion Bradshaw

(M.A.T. / AEA) I am a Teacher & a student of Life. I am a Storyteller every single day & a Facilitator of Equity Justice principles. Constantly curious, ever seeking, attempting to lean into my fears. May the Learning never cease...

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