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Seats of the Kingdom


By James GreenPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

Castle made of brick.

The stone wall surrounding. Thick.

Who sits at the seats of the kingdom?

No one has seen them.

Then why all this praise at them?

That's the way it is.


I don't understand this. The way it is is an abscess. If I have never seen them, and here I sit in awe of them? I feel it's time to appraise them.

The words you speak are a sin! Why all this spin in the inn? We were merry before you arrived. Get out! Whilst you're still alive.

My apologies to you all. I meant no offence at all. Pass me that drink, and I'll sit here and think about how lucky we all are to live in this kingdom.


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James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.


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