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Saving Humanity

Lost souls

By MoriaCavandishPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

We are just guests on this planet,

In this universe,

We are all children of a higher light,

When we cry, the universe cries with us,

When we are angry, the seas rage, and the winds howl in our regard,

The world is ever changing, its flow has become so moving in an out like breath from a newborn,

Worlds are colliding and people are fighting,

Why, is there not enough water for the world to drink?

Have we not been graced with enough food to consume,

There was a time when we took what we needed, not what we desired and wanted,

How we forget that Need and Want are two different things,

We have forgotten to be find the world that has given us our existence,

The trees now scream and cry, our oceans now sob, and it's our turn to heal the world.

Why do people cry ownership? on land, air and water,

Why are we allowing others to control us so frequently,

We were such an amazing race once, kind and self-reliant, now, we are monsters that drain the earth dry of all resources, we have leaders selling our lakes and glaciers for profit. Water? its abundant and it's a gift, as is the land we place our homes on. No one should sleep on a cold wet ground because they can't afford a roof over their heads.

I am humbled and embarrassed, I am on my knees begging for forgiveness but will one human or her knees make a difference, perhaps in a small way I will, I have done and for others mistakes, yes I feel the need to apologize to the universe. don't you?

I wonder what world will be left for the grandchildren and those after.

We should hang our heads in shame, instead we continue to want more then we need,

The world no longer holds real values, or is it that there are too many different values? So we fight and kill in the name of a God. No decent god would ask her children to kill for them.

We waste our currency on frivolous things we do not need, only to satisfy the enormous wound in our souls.

That ache, that hunger your feeling is your soul, begging for purity, begging to be kind and helpful. We lock this part of ourselves away, and slowly our soul stops asking. We become sad, angry, and many take their loves. Their souls cannot contain the pain and sorrow. We walked off the path, and lost the true meaning of humanity.

All gods matter, all faith matters, it's just about letting people live their lives freely.

Why do we feel the need to compete with thy neighbour, who has more, how dresses better, who can dine out more times in a week then the other.

Does mankind not hear the cries of its ancestors, do we not understand the severity of our greed.

As my face wrinkles and my hair turns grey, my soul wants simplicity, it wants nature more than it wants credit cards, or ‘stuff’. It asks for early mornings and sunsets, it asks for the smell a fresh rain, or that moment when you see the sun slip below the mountains, and the gods paint the sky in dazzling pastels, it wants to feel in awe again.

Our oceans have been raped, poisoned, yet we still continue to take more than we need, our cities are in fire, people are killing for material objects. I cry for your souls. I cry for all souls.

I miss the simplicity of my youth, perhaps happiness is meant for innocence and youth. I miss the oblivion of innocence.

And through all of this, I still remain hopeful,

Without hope we have nothing. Without kindness our race will wither and die.

But I still have hope, and faith that humanity will return.

My question to you, is are we too late?

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About the Creator


Born and raised on the beautiful West Coast in British Columbia Canada

All stories, poems, erotica and works are the sole property of

Moria Cavandish 2004- 2023

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