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Sarah's Desert

Where time fades and she becomes my measure of it.

By Christian GalePublished 3 years ago 1 min read

Done sleeping to half past noon,

Goodbye to dark mornings spent healing inner wounds,

Where I crystallized between the sea and her sand dunes.

I watch my secrets reflect the light of her silver moon.

Sarah's desert is where I bring them,

Always welcomed in her kingdom.

The princess who dreams with me,

My life's witness,

My sacred beauty.

No more sadness over ruin,

What was once madness is now in movement.

Surviving tides of colors and shades,

Sarah guides me to shore on her moonlit waves.

Standing in silence we watch a new day blaze.

Sharing the warmth of my soul's rays,

She rides the light home as I hold her in my gaze.

Remembering all that has been shown,

I walk where our sand meets the sea's foam.

My mind is in my hands and my feet are free to roam...

The kingdoms become ours if we learn to sing to them,

Pure attention is all they ask you bring into them.

Enter softly with a key of silence,

Then watch as all the doors dissolve,

Leaving you mindless.

They answer the call of our wishes,

Can you give them the present moment to listen?

I open my eyes and see one of Sarah's feathers,

A gift to remember that we are always together;

Where time fades and she becomes my measure of it.

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