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Running Out of 'I Love You.'

One Smile and I Knew.

By Eve BallardPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Do you ever run out of ‘I love yous’?

Is there any limit to how many times you can say it too?

And are there any fixed timings for it?

Like do you ever have to think I can’t say it right now

because you had said it only a few hours ago?

Or can we say it with emotion

for only a certain number of times?

Like 80x love you, all casual and cool,

50x you say it with so much passion, I love you

But only to the same person.

What if you can never say it like you mean it

to anyone else?

Once you have used it all up

on one person — the soul mate that stopped being one.

Does that mean no second chances

Or finding true love again and again?

Or maybe you have to pay a penalty of pain and tears

before your jar of ‘I love yous’

Is refilled and scales are reset.

How about an unlimited supply of ‘I love it!’

For the things that don’t matter that much;

this top is so beautiful, aww I love your curls.

Worst of all, what happens

when you have used them all up?

No more I love yous to spare.

No more thoughts to give.

Yet so many people entitled to hear it

Would it cost you too much to utter a simple one liner?

And if there is no limit, no restrictions, no constraint

to how many times you could express love and care

then why is it so difficult for you to say it,

to the orphan standing at the corner of your street,

to your parent when they pamper you or tease,

to your friend who wouldn’t let you pay for a lunch

or sometimes even a damaged automobile,

to the universe in all its glory,

and especially to me when I am sad and lonely?

If one day, we meet and you are barren,

with no more love yous in credit.

Think of another way to tell me,

if you have ever in your heart felt a love for me

that no words, 3 or more

could even begin to express.

But a look, a touch, a book, a rose

should suffice.

Or just us sitting together on a bench desolate

Gazing on a horizon, out of Van Gogh’s painting.

love poems

About the Creator

Eve Ballard

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