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Riding Bikes

The Joy of Riding Bikes

By cruddymoosePublished about a year ago 1 min read
Riding Bikes
Photo by Daniel Way on Unsplash

Riding bikes around the neighborhood,

Is an adventure that can never be misunderstood.

The wind in your hair, the sun on your face,

A feeling of freedom that you can never replace.

The world flies by as you pedal away,

Every moment is yours to seize and play.

The breeze carries whispers of secrets untold,

As you discover new streets and stories to unfold.

Up hills and down slopes, you feel alive,

Your spirit soars and you know you can thrive.

The rhythm of the wheels is a song in your heart,

A symphony of motion that sets you apart.

You ride through the park and by the lake,

The beauty of nature, a sight to partake.

The joy of riding bikes, it never fades,

The memories and moments, forever ingrained.

So let's ride our bikes, with hearts full of glee,

And let the world know that we are free.

The joy of riding bikes, it's ours to keep,

An adventure that we'll never forget, an experience so deep.

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About the Creator


My name is cruddymoose. I am a passionate writer and wordsmith, has always had a love for the written word. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mind, I try to bring a unique voice to the world of writing.

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