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Resonance and Reality

The Matrix of Light

By Insinq DatumPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
Resonance and Reality
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

The story I want to tell you today is one that I chose because it felt like it fit together precisely with the prompt, as if the story I had in mind and the prompt were made for one another. It's an interesting feeling, one I've experienced before with a magical book that it felt I was destined to read, one which it seemed had been waiting for me my whole life. This story, however, is just a simple recollection about the time that, in the midst of exploring the most extraordinary subject I had ever come across, I created a novel metaphor to express a philosophical paradox which plagued the subject of our joint study. Really, it's not much of a story at all, however I cannot help but feel that you might appreciate it nonetheless as it offers a window into my unique gifts - into what makes me, me.

I had, at that time, recently met a man whose impact on my life over the year and a half that he served as my mentor was completely transformative. In this role, which no-one else had ever filled before or likely ever will again and for which he only qualified because of his uniquely penetrating mind and extensive education, he validated my gifts as a philosopher and my choices in life in a way that I had never experienced before, which was a revelation that really encouraged and inspired me to embody my passions, both while I was working directly with him and ever since. The encouragement that I experienced in my connection with him was something that had always been lacking in my life, and it had a wonderful effect on my development, causing me to experience a sudden and vibrant bloom that was the consequence of a connection which was unlike any relationship I'd ever had with a peer or a colleague. In short, he and I resonated to an uncanny degree: we existed on the exact same wavelength.

This resonant connection and the unique encouragement and support it offered me turned out to be instrumental in the acquisition of some of the material about which he taught me, namely the phenomena surrounding the subject of synchronicity. Indeed, part of what was so fascinating about this topic was that the very act of discussing it genuinely and curiously (which is sort of my specialty) seemed to cause it to occur, as if it were somehow amplified by the attention devoted to it. This became the basis for one of my top ten tips for stalking synchronicity, which is: "Around any resonant dialogue about psynchronicity, the signs will precipitate." These signs, during the many months that we worked together, rained down all around us, not only in my main Discord community, Nameless Debates (ND), where most of our public discussions about synchronicity happened, as well as in my private server that I run for a select group of people who I am trying to help realise their destiny. This private server is called Authenticity in Identity (AI), and some of the most important parts of our group work happened in both this private space and other private groups that we ran on Discord at the time.

As philosophers, our work together revolved around extended dialogues in small groups of three to five people, dialogues which lasted between two and ten hours depending on the day. In fact, when I first started working with mystic I was unable to stay focused for more than a few hours, however by the time of this story my stamina had at least doubled. It was in connection with this group work that I began to contemplate my role in discussions, asking myself what my magic touch was - what was it that I uniquely brought to the dialogue which was so helpful for progress and understanding. This was an idea I explored more thoroughly in a piece called The Vehicle of Progress, where I touched on the idea of a linguistic bridge between two people who are speaking different dialects, so to speak.

More specifically, that essay discusses how I will often hold my tongue for the most part as I listen to the discussion swing to and fro like a pendulum, until I spot an opportunity to clarify for everyone involved the nature of the misunderstanding which has been emerging from the ongoing conversation. By stepping in at precisely the right moment and resolving the tension which is born out of misunderstandings and confusion, I am able to facilitate a continual progression towards greater and greater mutual understanding, although the idea was very much still in development at that time. Well, the story I have to tell you today travels along the same tracks, however it culminated in a moment of crystallisation for which I know of no comparison. But I may be getting ahead of myself.

On this particular occasion, we were discussing such various topics as alchemy, depth psychology and spirituality as we slowly circled around the subject of synchronicity, making passes each time in the attempt to get ever-closer to a concise and coherent understanding. This particular day's episode of the continual dialogue had been going for close to seven hours in total, and it took the form of an associative discussion that slowly builds on and expands resonant themes so as to discover the source of their numinosity. There was a certain paradox which had been expressed some days previously by mystic, quoting Jung, which was that it seemed a very dubious theory to suppose that synchronicity only happens at very special moments, wherein everything lines up and the whole world is metaphor, and yet the rest of the time the world is not this way at all. Mystic, quoting Jung, said that it seemed much more plausible that it was in fact happening all the time, but that we were just not really capable of perceiving it, however this begged the question of what mechanism or feature of the problem space could be responsible for our apparent abject blindness. After all, something as extraordinary as synchronistic phenomena would seem to be impossible to ignore or neglect, and yet this would be what is suggested by the hypothesis - that most of us ignore them pretty much perpetually. How can it be, then, that it is happening perpetually (if indeed that is the case) and yet we have no persistent perceptions of it, that is, we are unable to perceive it the vast majority of the time?

This had come up once or twice within the conversation, but mostly we were just talking about the myriad subjects which are connected with synchronicity so as to clarify our relationship with the terrain and the associated facts of experience. Around and around we went, and time and time again I played my part as the connective bridge between interpretive frameworks, although this was far from my only contribution to the conversation. The energy of the resonance which we had been building up over the seven hours had begun to lift us higher and higher with each rotation around the synchronistic mystery, and I had the most odd feeling that my understanding was on the precipice of a breakthrough, that all the knots were being worked out and soon I would see. Of course, this being merely an intuition, I didn't mention it and simply continued on with the conversation, until suddenly I had a eureka moment. I spoke forth my truth, the metaphor that had occurred to me as contextualising this supposed paradox properly, and in response there was a brief moment of silence before mystic's proud recognition that what I'd put forward was exactly right, exactly right. I can still remember the feeling, both of hearing the pride in his voice and also of realising that, through my authentic presence in the dialogue, I had managed to formalize a crucial insight for all.

It was a gem which had been produced, a real crystallisation of the conceptual schema into a novel metaphor which perfectly captured the dynamic of the synchronistic state in comparison with one's everyday experiences of the world. It was in this moment, and others like it during my work with mystic, that the 'real me' shone through in a way that I had never imagined it could, and in that moment I was shocked into silence by the mute genius who is responsible for all our intuitions and dreams. This was the metaphor that I came up with on that day:

"Imagine a matrix of interconnected beams of light which all reflect one another wherever they meet in the matrix. Each point of contact between two beams of light amplifies both, adding to the interconnectivity. An individual is represented as a point of light where a multitude of beams cross at the same location. The individual wields a multi-directional mirror capable of reflecting all of the intersecting beams of light at that particular location.

When this reflexive, reflective capacity is appropriately calibrated and aligned, not only is the individual more clearly able to perceive the interconnectivity of the matrix, but they also add their own light back into the mix, brightening the matrix and amplifying the phenomena. Yet, if their mirror is poorly aligned, they will not even be aware that the matrix exists.

The matrix of light is the matrix of existence, where everything is connected. When we experience a resonant connection with someone else, that is the experience of becoming more aligned with the world through the interpersonal dynamic, and the mutual harmonisation of energy."

This metaphor would go on to serve not only as a cornerstone for the foundation which, over the next few years, I would build into a coherent conceptual representation of synchronicity, but it served also as my guide towards the lived experience of synchronistic phenomena, and was critical in the experiences which were to come - experiences of touching the magic, of making synchronicity happen at will by following the breadcrumbs, and of being carried along by a flow state towards a destiny of which I am at best dimly conscious in certain moments (accounts of this kind can be found on my page).

I've never forgotten the feeling I felt in that moment, the satisfying and resounding click as everything slid into place. It was rare, and precious, and I will never forget it.


I chose this story because it seemed to me to be the perfect balance between being literally about a gemstone, i.e. the crystallisation, while also giving some insight into who I really am. I am a philosopher, an author and a poet who takes great pride in the integrity of my work, and who puts a lot of time and energy into developing my thoughts and opinions such that they might one day be useful to humanity at large. In actual fact, since I stopped working with mystic I have produced two lectures on the subject of stalking synchronicity which clarify my ideas and experiences in a way that is accessible to the wider public. All of that work that I did with mystic over those two years, though as of yet unknown, will one day be recognised among the canon of human knowledge. I just hope that I'm alive to see it. Those two lectures are part of a lectures series with ten parts, and these lectures will form the manuscript for a series of books I intend to publish, among other work. It's a beautiful coincidence as well that the crystallisation in question, the matrix of light metaphor, possesses itself an odd parallel with crystals or gems, in that they too are matrices.

The other reason I chose this story is that I felt that it was one that was worth telling, even if only to the few people who will read it. I hope that you thought it was worth your time. Have a great day.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Insinq Datum

I'm an aspiring poet, author and philosopher. I run a 5000+ debating community on Discord and a couple of Youtube channels, one related to the Discord server and one related to my work as a philosopher. I am also the author of DMTheory.

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