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Poem about snowflakes

Snowflake Poet

By Mathew KarnalPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Snowflakes falling from the sky,

A winter wonderland, oh my!

Each one unique, a work of art,

A magical sight that sets apart.


It covers the ground, it sparkles and gleams,

A blanket of white that follows your dreams.

The cold nips your nose and numbs your toes,

But the beauty of snow everyone knows.


Children play and make snowmen so tall,

And in the night, the moonlight makes it all aglow.

Snowball fights, sledding down the hill,

Memories to cherish, a winter thrill.


As the snow continues to dance and swirl,

It brings a stillness, a peace to the world.

So let's embrace this gift from above,

And enjoy the snow, with wonder and love.


The flakes keep falling, a silent night,

A beautiful sight in the city’s bright lights.

A reminder that even in the hustle and the fray,

Nature’s peace still finds a way.


In the countryside, a blanket of white,

A world of peace, still and bright.

The crunch of snow under your feet,

An escape from the city’s beat.


The snow transforms the world we know,

A peaceful retreat, a place to go.

To slow down and breathe, to feel alive,

And appreciate the beauty that surrounds and thrives.


So let's cherish this gift that nature sends,

And appreciate its beauty that never ends.

For every snowflake, a unique design,

A reminder of the magic that's always divine.


Snowflakes softly falling from the sky,

A winter wonderland, a magical sight.

Whiter than white, each one unique,

A peaceful blanket that covers the street.


The world is hushed, a silent sound,

As snowflakes dance and twirl around.

No footprints left, a virgin site,

A perfect scene, so clean and bright.


Snowmen built with carrot nose,

Children laugh and play, nobody knows,

The joy they bring on this frosty night,

As the snow falls, everything feels just right.


A cup of cocoa, a warm embrace,

With the ones we love, a special place,

Snowflakes swirl, in a beautiful show,

And we can't help but watch the snow.


So let's embrace this winter scene,

And find the joy in every flake and beam,

For snow, is a gift from above,

A reminder of peace, and a symbol of love.


The snow may cause some inconvenience,

But its beauty cannot be outweighed by any consequence.

It transforms the world, a sight so rare,

A breathtaking view beyond compare.


It brings us together, young and old,

To experience the magic that can't be controlled.

With sleds and skis, we glide and soar,

Feeling alive, as never before.


The snow may be cold, but it warms our hearts,

With memories to cherish, and moments to impart.

For it's not just the snow that makes us feel this way,

It's the love and laughter shared on this special day.


So let us cherish the snow, each and every flake,

And revel in the beauty that we can create.

For it's not just a weather pattern or white stuff,

It's a magical moment, and enough.


So here's to the snow, and all that it brings,

A symbol of peace, love, and hope it brings.

Let's appreciate its delicate beauty,

And all the joy it brings so dutifully.


For in its peaceful blanket, we find solace,

A moment of calm, in a world full of chaos.

It whispers softly, a soothing lullaby,

A reminder that all will be okay, by, and by.


It transforms the mundane into something divine,

A winter wonderland, a breathtaking sight to shine.

So let us embrace each snowflake that falls,

And cherish the memories, both big and small.


For snow is a gift, a treasure untold,

A reminder of the beauty, in this world so cold.

So when you see the snowflakes dance and spin,

Take a moment to soak it all in.


For it is a moment, that will soon pass,

But It's magic, will forever last.

And when the snow begins to melt away,

And the sun shines bright, on a warm summer day,


We'll look back at the snow with fond memories,

Of the laughter and love, the warmth and the breeze.

For snow may come and go, each year anew,

But its impact on our hearts, will always be true.


It brings us together, in joy and in play,

A symbol of peace, that brightens our day.

So let us cherish the snow, with each new snowfall,

And remember its beauty, through it all.


For snow is a wonder, a sight to behold,

A reminder that magic, can unfold.

So let us embrace the snow, and all that it brings,

A symbol of peace, love, and hope it brings.


For it is a moment, that will always endure,

A winter wonderland, forever pure.

And when the snow has melted, and the skies are clear,

We'll hold on to the memories, and hold them dear.


For snow is not just a weather pattern or white stuff,

It's a symbol of joy, and a moment that's enough.

It touches our hearts, with its gentle snowfall,

And brings a smile, to the face of us all.


It reminds us of the beauty, that surrounds us,

And the love that abounds, in the hearts of trust.

So let us cherish the snow, with each new snowflake,

And marvel in its beauty, that we can create.


For snow is not just a weather condition, but more,

It's a wondrous gift, from nature's open door.

So here's to the snow, and all that it brings,

A symbol of peace, love, and hope it brings.


And when the snow is gone, and the winter has passed,

We'll hold on to its magic, forever, fast.

For snow brings with it, a spirit of delight,

And fills our hearts, with a warm, cozy light.


It's a reminder that the world can be kind,

And that beauty can be found, in the simplest of mind.

It's a moment to slow down, and take a deep breath,

And to feel the peace, that only snow can Bridgett.


So let us cherish the snow, with each new snowfall,

And remember its magic, through it all.

For snow is a wonder, a sight to behold,

A reminder that magic, can unfold.


And when the next winter comes, with a blanket of snow,

We'll open our hearts, and let its magic flow.

For snow is a gift, that we should never waste,

A winter wonderland, forever, embraced.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FINISHING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

nature poetry

About the Creator

Mathew Karnal

Reviews/reading/writing/science–my Hobbies


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Health & Nutrition, Sports, World, Film, Wildlife, Music,

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