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Paint Me!

For Poppy's Prompt Thingo 5 - May

By Paul StewartPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - May 2024
Paint Me!
Photo by Simi Iluyomade on Unsplash

Paint me!

Yes! please Paint me into time indefinite itself!

with umber for my searching, eager eyes of love and pain

titanium white, yellow ochre and burnt umber, for my skin, my warmth

with intense blue for

the tightest pair of jeans I've never worn

can you paint double denim?

a jacket and jean combination

from fashion hell

would you? could you?

penetrate the white with cadmium

or lunar black or Payne’s grey

for the backdrop, the setting

maybe an ultramarine shirt


Splash the paper

dowse it in water

mix to make magic happen

strike the canvas

as you would, to my heart

give life

to my ego, id, superego

give form

to my conscious, subconscious

and unconscious mind


Paint me as a Picasso, Dali or Bosch

In triptych perhaps, or abstract

befriended by pigs and the scourge

with my greatest of loves

bring to life my calm-adjacent, frazzled mind

with unrestrained wonderment, nightmarish embellishment

Paint me as

a troubled Van Gogh or Pollock

weary and worn out

weighted by life and anxiety


Use your talents to bring me to life

heavy brushstrokes

to burden the weight of the anguish

lighter brushstrokes

for the fine lines of stress

give my lips

life and confidence with warmth

as my body erodes, life drains from me,

give me legacy

immortalise me,

yes please, immortalise my mortal coil

bring forth with honesty

the unkempt hairs

on my back and my abdomen

for never a back, sack and crack fellow

ever was I


May the flick of your wrist

and the mix of the palette

give testimony

to my infamy, memory and very soul

a happy little accident

of a planned creation

that was pushed forth

from my dear mother's womb


Envelope my being

in the canvas, like swaddling a baby

whether in

a scrapbook of discarded projects

heralded in the finest of galleries,

as the greatest

grant me

the status of regals, fools and villains



the drama, the war within in my body and soul

as I descend from the loftiness

of man's apex to the dirt

and cast a shadow no more

and breathe my last breath

let the embodiment

of who I was, am and could be, live on

Paint me as I lived,

not as the ashes that blow in the wind


Paint me

with the most haunting, endearing eyes

somewhere between Dorian at his worst and Ms Lisa at her most ominous

with eyes that pierce right through skin, sinew, flesh, blood and bone

to the innermost deepest of wretched thoughts as you curse my name

for as he searched for immortality and was afforded it,

through hedonistic appetite and frivolity for morality,

so too did I suffer for my appetite


So, please, paint me without pandering

like an artist of old

who held back from the truth

to avoid the chopping block

Paint the imperfections,

the sincerity of my quest for redemption

Paint me with glasses

and make note on canvas

with deft brushstrokes the deceit in my eyes

the difficulty most had

in trusting me

for a man is everything

the good, the bad, the ugly

the love, the anger, the darkness in their mind

the lack of agency

reluctancy of responsibility

the kindness that underscores, overshadows

brightens the dims, embattles the clouds

with water and paint, bring me to life

living and breathing eternal


Or sketch me, yes sketch me in rough,

like one of the French girls

an Adonis selling parfum

we know them too well

on a napkin or the wall of a public latrine

as I blow in the wind, like a fart in the breeze


Thanks for reading!

Author's Notes: This was written for Poppy's Prompt Thingo 5, which you can find out more below.

I feel like this, something I wrote in very short time, is very much a companion piece to this piece -

vintagesurreal poetryStream of Consciousnesssocial commentaryperformance poetryinspirationalhumorFree Versefact or fictionart

About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (28)

  • Poppy 2 months ago

    I was not prepared for that ending😂 This is SO powerful and raw and well written. Definitely one of your best!! This is the kind of astoundingly well written poem that is still read and admired for many years to come. I can’t pick a favourite part but this would have to be up there: “ Paint me as I lived, not as the ashes that blow in the wind” Really really well done Paul

  • Sonia Heidi Unruh2 months ago

    Congrats on your leaderboard prize! And for writing this epic! That last line is carrying me away 😂

  • John Cox2 months ago

    I’m so happy you got Top Story for this one, Paul. Like Cathy says, truly epic! Congratulations!

  • Cathy holmes2 months ago

    Buddy! This is epic. Raw, emotional, all the good all the bad. I could almost picture the artist at work, at times gently stroking the canvas and other times attacking.

  • Lea Waske 2 months ago

    Wow, Paul, this is epic! I just came across this having been away from Vocal for almost a year. I can just see an artist furiously applying broad strokes of colour, with brush and palette knife, layer upon layer to capture your essence! You've created a painting in words, for sure! Congratulations on publishing your work on Amazon as well!

  • Andrea Corwin 2 months ago

    Ok,Paul, so in all your glorious un-glory, your true self and nary a look at the butt-crack, thank God, thank you!! Loved your poem, so full of everything, and emotion, and grit and cool. Congrats!! 🎉🥳 (And Vocal has locked me out with their new roll-out).

  • Caroline Jane3 months ago

    👏👏👏 love this! Completely engrossing. ❤️

  • Kendall Defoe 3 months ago

    I wonder about modern art sometimes. It can seem very unfair to the canvas...or the eyes. Top Story, indeed!

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Shirley Belk3 months ago

    so true to self and utterly human...sometimes I believe you are Shakespeare reincarnated

  • Heather Zieffle 3 months ago

    Congrats on TS! I enjoyed this a lot, Paul!

  • Margaret Brennan3 months ago

    congratulations on TS. what a clever way to ask to be seen through the eyes of another. this is GREAT.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)3 months ago

    Excuse me??? Jean pants and a jean jacket from fashion hell??? Have you never heard of a Canadian tuxedo??? lol This felt like a call not necessarily to paint you but more see you and accept you as you are!! Fart in the breeze and all!!! Hahah! Sorry, I couldn't resist the playful poke!! 🤣 Congrats on Top Story Paul!!

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳🥳🥳

  • This was absolutely jaw-dropping. What a marvellous work of poetry! The connections to literature and color are vivid and make this a stand-out piece. Incredibly well-deserved Top Story. Congratulations! And thank you for writing such a gorgeous poem.

  • The Dani Writer3 months ago

    What a tremendous poetic construction! Wowsers! What an achievement! Didn't know you had all that in you Paul. This is immense! Congratulations on the top story!

  • Gina C.3 months ago

    Beautoful work, my friend! "Paint me as a Picasso, Dali or Bosch" 😍

  • Grz Colm3 months ago

    What have you done with Paul? And who is writing this? I am so envious of this writing style of yours here! It’s very striking and potent! I like! 😁👍

  • Another WOW poem!! I especially love the paint colours used to represent various aspects of you: 'with umber for my searching, eager eyes of love and pain titanium white, yellow ochre and burnt umber, for my skin, my warmth'.

  • Only recently I got to know the meaning of latrine and I feel that it's such a pretty name for a girl, lol. Also, fart made me laugh so much hahahhaha. Jokes aside, your poem was so profound and intense. Such a mindblowing piece of magnificence! I loved it! 🍩🥐

  • Lacy Loar-Gruenler3 months ago

    Paul, you are a born poet. This is extraordinary, and the last line just cinches it. I was holding my breath at the enormity of your message and that last line made me laugh at how seriously we usually take ourselves. Hope this wines Top Story!

  • D.K. Shepard3 months ago

    What a final line! Love the role of perspective traced in this!

  • L.C. Schäfer3 months ago

    "strike the canvas/as you would, to my heart" - my fav bit! Deserves TS imo 👍

  • John Cox3 months ago

    This is extraordinary. The power of the piece kept growing and growing till imploding at its extraordinary finish. I could focus on so many different lines in this that I loved, but that would completely miss the point. Your poem is epic in scope, as if something bold and mad as the proverbial hatter was unleashed in your poetry with your last piece. Rock on Paul. You’re really on to something here. Don’t let go of it!

  • Gloria Penelope3 months ago

    Your story is very nice. I loved it!

Paul StewartWritten by Paul Stewart

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