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Pacifying the Pain

The Root Canal & Womanhood

By ImperfectlyPerfectPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Pacifying the Pain
Photo by Brice Cooper on Unsplash

Men in Power:

Acknowledging the accolades of a woman one month a year

is not enough to cover for the other eleven my dear

Like a cavity in a tooth, society has left a hole in me

And I'm expected to smile, and be as pretty as can be

Sometimes I wear a smile, just to appease

knowing deep down within, I feel some unease

I get paid in pennies, while you cash in dollars,

clocking into work, with your freshly pressed collars

You strip me of my rights, without a glance

as a woman in this world, I never stood a chance

Your goal and your agendas are all your eyes can see,

but I must pose the question, what about me?

I wish you'd really take a moment and genuinely look at me

because my value is just as high, as those addressed as he

I'm not writing words to garner some half assed sympathy

I'm just asking you to dig within, and bask in some empathy

You love me as a housewife, all barefoot and pregnant

but that's not my sole purpose, that is only a segment

You have your stipulations when it comes to my body

because somehow you know best, I'm just a noddy

If I got pregnant early, you'd scream I should've practiced abstinence

whilst encouraging young men, to pursue my virtue with adamance

The hypocrisy is real, in those with their heads held high

you come across rather snooty, Oh my Oh my

Just like a tooth with a root canal sealed in place

My crown sits atop, during whatever I face

I'm simply tired of having to pacify the pain,

while you hold up your umbrella-- and ignore the rain.

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About the Creator


My favorite well known saying: An amateur does it until they get it right, while a professional does it until they can't get it wrong. Don't work to get it right, work to not get it wrong!"

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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