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Once Heard Can Never Be Unheard

Careless noise

By Colleen Millsteed Published 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 2 min read
Image courtesy of Pixabay

The purr of the void could be heard for miles around,

Scouring the airwaves of historical ratification,

The catastrophic scream mounting to an earsplitting level,

As it gained momentum on a technicality of the nearest station.


The revving grew louder as the soar of silence waned,

Bringing the pain to ears that listened from afar,

Bass like drumbeats rose in a musical symphony,

That lost the listener in the memory of a twanging guitar.


As the gyration moved forward to the ending that mellowed,

Memories poured forth of times within a long distance past,

A dance of demeanour when one last felt adoration,

Causes a smile to wither when a question is asked.


Sound carries in a new direction, one of confusion,

Tears follow in the wake as history was once more repeated,

Solitary awareness of the pain that once was forgiven,

As the torment once forgotten is again reheated.


A soft caress screams of the loss of a soul love,

And this is revisited with the crescendo sailing on the wind,

No longer a purr but an orchestra of tortured breath,

As hopes are discarded, tossed to the depths as the unforgiving sing.


The chorus runs overtime to allow for the message to be received,

Each word sung brutally pines the loneliness of one’s heart,

The question is begged, can the broken be mended?

No — not once it has been shattered and torn apart.


The notes whistle into subdued silence beaten black and blue,

The audience above sits in stunned awareness,

The wisdom to be cleansed has torn the mind into duality,

As the obvious is awarded the ultimate time honoured stress.


The song is concluded, the answers lost in the interpretation,

Leaving those that listened in awe and confusion,

They did not ask to overhear the argument of the decade,

And now have to live with the consequences of such an intrusion.

Please click the link below my name to read more of my work. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to read this today and for all your support.

If you enjoy this piece, you may enjoy this one too.

Please visit my website if you'd like more information on my newly published book, Battle Angel : The Ultimate She Warrior.

Originally published on Medium

performance poetry

About the Creator

Colleen Millsteed

My first love is poetry — it’s like a desperate need to write, to free up space in my mind, to escape the constant noise in my head. Most of the time the poems write themselves — I’m just the conduit holding the metaphorical pen.

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Comments (7)

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  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    gorgeous work Colleen!

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Love this!!! Once heard or said, it's never forgotten!!!❤️❤️💕

  • A piece/heart that is shattered can no longer be mended, only melted down & fashioned a new. This summer when we got together as a family, my youngest sister came to our room & told us that when it was down to just the three youngest kids at home, what you have described is pretty much the way it was between Mom & Dad.

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    This is incredible. I felt like I could hear your words. Well done

  • Judey Kalchik 5 months ago

    For some reason as I read this I thought of watching the dance and performance of a raging political debate. This is, I fear, my viewpoint of way too many things in 2024! I enjoyed the poem and the journey i took reading it.

  • ROCK 5 months ago

    Your conduit seems to be ferociously self cleansing; oh, how I devour your creations.

  • Whoaaaa, this blew my mind! I freaking loved this!

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