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Ode to the Ever-Present Throne

The Timeless Journey of the Humble Chair

By Kaycee GodwinPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
Ode to the Ever-Present Throne
Photo by Kelly Miller on Unsplash

Oh, humble Chair! Thou art a faithful servant to humanity,

An ever-present aid, a silent sentinel by our side,

In homes and halls, in offices and caverns vast,

Your form, both simple and complex, will forever last.

A seat, four legs, and yet so much more you be,

A place of rest for the tired, the weary, and the weak,

You bear our weight, our burden, and our daily strife,

A noble object, a part of every human life.

In ancient times, you were a throne for kings,

A place of power, where rulers wielded mighty things,

Carved of wood or stone, adorned with gold and jewels,

In the hallowed halls of history, you stood as a symbol of authority and a tool for the edicts of the wise.

The pharaohs sat, the emperors reclined,

Upon you, Chair, the world was rightly aligned.

No ordinary object but a vessel of the divine,

In sacred temples, your form did shine brightly.

By Kam Idris on Unsplash

In humble homes, you take a more superficial guise,

A wooden frame, a cushioned seat, a welcoming size

A place at the table where families unite,

Share food and love in the soft candlelight.

By the fireplace, a cozy spot to read,

A comforting presence, a silent friend indeed,

In the nursery, a rocker for a child's gentle sleep,

In every corner, memories you help us keep.

Artists and poets have drawn from your shape,

An inspiration, a muse, a form that won't escape,

Van Gogh's Chair, a still life of vivid hue,

In countless works, your essence they pursue.

A symbol of rest, a sign of human toil,

A mirror of culture, an emblem of our soil,

In paintings and poems, in stories untold,

Your image, dear Chair, never grows old.

In the bustling office, in the crowded hall,

A swivel, a recliner, adjusted to fit all,

A companion in labor, through hours long and drear,

Support for the body, a comforter of fear.

You adapt, you conform to our changing age,

An ergonomic marvel, a designer's sage,

In leather and steel, in fabric and wood,

In every form, your purpose is understood.

In virtual spaces, even where you reside,

A concept, an idea, that never will subside,

A place of rest in a world of endless flight,

A grounding force in the chaos of the digital night.

Oh, Chair, you teach us the beauty of the plain,

The depth in simplicity, the profound in mundane,

A thing so ordinary, yet so rich and so rare,

A universal object, none other can compare.

In every culture, every land, every heart,

You are a constant, a universal art,

A testament to the design, to function, to care,

A tribute to humanity, oh, wondrous Chair!

Let us not overlook the ordinary in our midst,

For in the familiar, true beauty exists,

A chair, a table, a simple spoon or knife,

These are the objects that enrich our life.

So here's to the Chair and all things plain,

May we never take for granted every day's reign,

For in the ordinary, the extraordinary we may find,

A world of wonder, forever intertwined.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Kaycee Godwin

A dedicated medical doctor and clinical research professional, balancing a fulfilling family life with three children and a passion for writing.

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