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Nothing Is Spared

Nothing will be

By Suntonu BhadraPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Nothing Is Spared
Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash

Boarding from the waterside to crawl to the land

in an adventure or curiosity

a species, with millions of years of transformation

created branches of the animal kingdom

and at-last, branched a species, so close to chimps

yet diverse and beautiful

became dominant and thrived on the ruling

for the last thousands of years

massing intelligence, language, society formation, religion,

connection, leading, power, spread


Stepped from one continent to other-

towards adventure,

to find a new place to move

to advent to uniqueness and color

to search for food

to seek refuge and shelter from the winners

moved, tried, spread, advanced to the next land

from Africa to Europe, to the Arab peninsula,

to the Indian subcontinent, to Sumatran plateau, to Australia,

to the western front of Greenland, to Brazilian enrichment

to American freedom,

the transition for thousands of years.


The species lifted them

onto a different genre

not a species only, but to workaround

using fire, wheels, irons

using their brain muscles-

to work on ideas

to prosper with creativity

that branched out to the world

forming togetherness and civilizations,

as we know it.


And, several thousand eras passed,

the homo sapiens

evolved and grown

unprecedented before,

and became ruler of the earth.


And our decline started

wrapped in the cover of industrialization and civilization

starting with the soils to rot with plastics

with the combination nature never experienced

to combust and compost, eventually

covering the land-fill, continents, rivers, and oceans

raising toxicity levels around.


We grew continuously, in numbers

and left our dirt to spread the germs

through rivers, canals, oceans,

empty lands lost vacancy

used for the crop, poultry, and domestication,

methane surged into the air

consumption required growth

growth required space

space required emptiness

thus deforestation came in,

making it possible to count the tree numbers around,

watery bodies, pressured with pollution

and kept being pushed for fishing spots

killing fishes and whales to consume,

most being endangered, years to count before they go,

every corner covered almost, even Mariana trench-

got the touch of plastic at-last.


Poles in the north and south

remaining few more years to their glory,

ice-chunks breaking up on continuous roar

on the north, on the south

on the Himalayan mountain ranges

melting more into rivers

moving onto the seas,

rising water-levels, threatening lands,

and frozen pathogens inside the ice

releasing in fast motions,

a field in the making

for countless pandemics launch,

methane released from the frozen shells and soil

disaster ahead, for a poisonous reality.


We took the venture outside

space remained the latest boundary we crossed,

probably the last we have cross

as countless rocket journey left debris in space,

to create a Saturn-like circle

but with debris and rocket shell wastage piles.


Wake up! When would we realize


nature and the earth don’t require us to continue,

we do.


It seems like the way we have exhausted and exhausting the earth (only for our consumption) has fast-forwarded our days on the planet. Humans are successfully destroying most critical elements or negatively impacting those elements in a complex life-cycle. We require to start changing our behaviors for ourselves, as there might be no future for humans if the progression continues like this in the coming time.


Other words by the writer:

  • Introverts Are Human Too
  • Dal Lake

(Initially published in Medium)

slam poetry

About the Creator

Suntonu Bhadra

Travel storyteller, photographer, history enthusiast, poetic scribbler ▪ Editor of Paper Poetry ▪ I have started writing on Vocal recently.

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