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Embracing Nature's Wisdom.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 10 days ago 2 min read
Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

In the heart of the forest, where ancient trees whisper tales of time,
Nature's silent witnesses stand sentinel to the world's rhyme.
Majestic oaks with bark like weathered skin,
Their branches reaching towards the heavens,
Each leaf a brushstroke in the painting of existence.

Beneath their canopy, a carpet of moss cushions weary feet,
Softening the steps of those who wander in search of peace.
Here, amidst the dappled light and the gentle sway of leaves,
A symphony of life unfolds in whispered melodies.

But beyond the tranquil facade, secrets linger in the shadows,
Stories untold, emotions buried deep in the earth's marrow.
For these trees have witnessed the ebb and flow of human tide,
The joyous laughter and the tear-stained cries that cannot hide.

They've seen lovers embrace beneath the moon's tender gaze,
Their vows woven into the tapestry of starlit nights and sunlit days.
They've stood witness to battles fought with swords and with words,
Echoes of courage and fear echoing through their ancient chords.

And when storms rage, and thunder roars across the sky,
These sentinels stand firm, their roots anchored deep and high.
They bear the scars of time etched upon their silent frames,
Yet their resilience remains, a testament to nature's enduring flames.

In the quiet moments before dawn breaks the night's hold,
They breathe in the whispers of dreams, stories yet untold.
For in their silent vigil, they hold the memories of all who pass,
Their wisdom etched in rings that mark the years like an hourglass.

So, when you walk amidst their realm, tread lightly and with care,
For these trees are more than wood and leaves; they're souls laid bare.
They speak in rustling leaves and the song of the breeze,
A language of ages that transcends mortal unease.

In their presence, find solace and communion with the earth,
For they connect us to our roots and remind us of our worth.
Nature's silent witnesses, standing tall through joy and despair,
Teach us the beauty of resilience and the healing power of being aware.

In the heart of the forest, where ancient trees whisper tales of time,
Nature's silent witnesses embody the essence of life's sublime.

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 10 days ago

    Very well written! Great job! 🤓

Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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