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My dear world

By Gayathri VinayagamPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The world is an incredibly fascinating place, full of life, beauty, and mystery. Everywhere we look, we can discover something new, something that has been there for centuries or something that just began. No matter how much we learn about this world, it seems that there will never be an end to the things that we can discover.

To me, the world is like an ever-growing book. Every chapter has its own story, whether it is a story of adventure, of loss, or of joy. Every story has something to tell us, and every story gives us a better understanding of our place in this world. Whether it is a story of a family facing poverty, an oppressed people, or an endangered species, each offers us lessons and reminders that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves.

I am often in awe of the natural beauty of the world around us. From the tall, snow-capped mountains to the wondrous blue waters of the ocean, our world is teeming with beauty. As I take a walk along a beach or through the woods, I am often struck by the abundance of life that is everywhere. From the tiniest of insects to the grandest of mountains, nature never ceases to amaze me.

Not only is the world beautiful but also incredibly complex. From the intricate web of ecosystems to the diverse cultures of people living around the world, the complexities of this planet are truly breathtaking. We can learn an incredible amount of knowledge about our world by simply observing the way things interact and work with one another. Understanding the weather, the oceans, the atmosphere, and the living creatures that inhabit our planet can help us better appreciate this amazing place we call home.

Furthermore, our world is a place of shared experience. Every day, we experience independence, freedom, courage, love, and joy alongside pain, despair, conflict, and tragedy. Despite the challenges that life throws our way, the world offers us opportunities to come together in unity and create positive change. Through acts of kindness, we can help make this world a better place and move closer to solving many of the world’s problems.

Above all, the world is a source of hope. When things seem bleak and our day-to-day lives seem full of darkness, the world is a reminder that we still have the power to create a better future. Whether it is through scientific advances, global initiatives, or empathy-driven campaigns, the world can always provide us with ample opportunities to make a difference.

To me, this world is the most precious gift we have been given. Whether it is through exploring its depths or discovering its beauty, I am always reminded of just how incredible it is. There is much to learn from our world, and it will never cease to amaze us. As we each take this precious gift and within it we find something original and unique, let us never forget the opportune privilege it is to be alive in this wonderful world


We are one people, living together on this planet in harmony.

We are unique, diverse, and individuals, but still linked by humanity.

We may speak different languages, come from distinct lands and cultures,

But deep in our souls we are one race, as siblings and fellow creatures.

It's time to open our minds and become tolerant of each other,

To embrace diversity and recognize a shared home forever.

Let us stop the hate and violence that for too long has reigned,

Let us kneel before each other, holding hands in unity gained.

Listen to the stories and learn the lessons they reveal,

Open your heart to laughter, joy, and love that our world can feel.

It is our duty on this planet to continuously strive

Not only for each other but to recognize our collective lives.

Let us share the good in each other and build bridges between us,

For this is the only way of living peacefully in harmony as one plus.

My dearest world, please join me in helping to make it right,

In a collective effort for love, justice, and peace that will endure throughout the night.

nature poetry

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