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A poem about our so-called Freedom

By Thorn DeathPublished 5 days ago 2 min read

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation, under God, indivisible,

with Liberty and Justice for all.

Justice for all our black neighbours

who have the honour of being murdered

should they make the mistake of looking

at a police officer the wrong way;

officers meant to unhold the meaning of justice.

Justice for the gays who’ve spent decades fighting

for their right to publicly exist,

even accepting torture as punishment

for the sake of the greater good;

only for those rights to be put back in a box.

Justice for the women bleeding in alleyways

at the hand of a man who knows

that even if he’s caught,

he’ll still get away with it.

He just has to blame it on her skirt.

Justice for the brothers and sisters

dying at the hands of their cruel parents

and a crueler system that would care more

if only they still existed in the womb.

A life being lived is a life not important, I suppose.

Justice for the mentally impaired

who were perceived as burdens

and God’s punishment for mankind to bear,

who are still fighting for their right

to work, own, and love as others do.

Justice for the felons who got the label

in a state of teenage recklessness,

who have not the right to vote

or have themselves a good career,

but get to watch another run for president.

Justice for the Natives who often go missing

and reappear mysteriously deceased,

but are rarely ever looked for

or never given any protections.

Who are still fighting for their right to keep their land.

Justice for the non-Christians whose lives are threatened

and temples are frequently attacked

because they don’t fit under the allegiance,

for the don’t follow the ‘right’ God

or practice the ‘right’ way.

Justice for all of the lonely Americans

who have to watch their liberties

be put on the stand and questioned again.

The ones fighting one more time for the right to live.

To love. To be safe. To be a person.

Justice for the ones watching

The arrogant applaud their loss of freedoms

for the sake of their own personal gain.

Justice for the ones listening to their loved ones

tell them that it doesn’t matter.

I guess we just don’t matter.

To Liberty and Justice for all.

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Thorn Death

"Here lies a resting place for dark minds."

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Thorn DeathWritten by Thorn Death

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