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She cradled me close, shielding from death. Her tender touch, a soothing embrace, A mother's love, an eternal grace.

By AnecdotePublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Photo by guille pozzi on Unsplash

In a world of boundless love and care,
Stands a figure beyond compare.
A beacon of warmth, a guiding light,
She is my mother, shining so bright.

She cradled me close, shielding from death.
Her tender touch, a soothing embrace,
A mother's love, an eternal grace.

In her arms, I found solace and peace,
A sanctuary where all worries cease.
Her gentle voice, a lullaby's tune,
Calming my fears, chasing away the moon.

Through sleepless nights and weary days,
She toiled and labored in countless ways.
Her sacrifices, a symphony of love,
A melody that resonates above.

She nourished my body, she nurtured my soul,
Her selflessness an unwavering goal.
She taught me compassion, to be kind and true,
To embrace life's challenges, to never be subdued.

Her wisdom, a fountain of endless insight,
Guiding me through darkness into the light.
She wiped away tears, she kissed away pain,
Her love an umbrella in life's pouring rain.

No words can express the debt I owe,
To the woman who watched me grow.
Her love, a flame that forever burns,
A lesson in resilience, for which my heart yearns.

So here's to you, my dearest mother,
An angel unlike any other.
You are the foundation, the rock so strong,
In your embrace, I forever belong.

With gratitude overflowing, I say,
Thank you, dear mother, every single day.
For your love knows no bounds, no end,
You are my mother, my forever friend.

love poems

About the Creator


I have found solace and joy in the art of writing. A girl who thrives on expressing thoughts, dreams, and emotions through the power of language. Join me on this journey of wordswords💕

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