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Life's tapestry unfold

In the tapestry of life, we find our way, A journey of moments, both bright and gray. With every breath, a story unfolds, A dance of emotions, as our tale molds

By AnecdotePublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Life's tapestry unfold
Photo by Adlan on Unsplash

In the tapestry of life, we find our way,
A journey of moments, both bright and gray.
With every breath, a story unfolds,
A dance of emotions, as our tale molds.

Life's canvas painted with vibrant hue,
A symphony of experiences, old and new.
In the depths of despair, we learn to cope,
And rise from the ashes, with renewed hope.

Through valleys of sorrow, we stumble and fall,
But resilience within us, we find standing tall.
For every setback is a chance to grow,
To embrace the unknown, let our spirits flow.

In the pursuit of dreams, we dare to chase,
With passion as fuel, our hearts set ablaze.
Obstacles may loom, casting doubt and fear,
Yet perseverance whispers, "You're almost there."

We seek love's warmth, in bonds we create,
A tapestry of connections, both small and great.
With laughter and tears, we share the ride,
Knowing that in unity, our souls are tied.

Time slips away, like grains of sand,
Reminding us to savor each moment in hand.
For life's fleeting beauty, we must hold dear,
Embrace the now, for it soon disappears.

In the end, it's the memories we hold,
The love we've shared, the stories untold.
For life's true essence lies not in length,
But in how we've lived, with purpose and strength.

So let us cherish the breaths we take,
Embrace the joys and the risks we make.
For within this tapestry, we each play a part,
A symphony of life, a work of art.

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About the Creator


I have found solace and joy in the art of writing. A girl who thrives on expressing thoughts, dreams, and emotions through the power of language. Join me on this journey of wordswords💕

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