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By ShalløwPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
upendo wa damu wakati wote<3

I am sorry, but I am not what you see. I have been beaten, hurt, tortured and stripped of my wings. I've been hated, laughed at, betrayed and hurt in every way and yet... I smile so others see someone happy,

My heart's been in my palm Blood leaking. I open up, but can't understand what I am seeking. I get bitten back like a dog to a hand. I'm weak in every way but society says be a man. Then I start struggling looki0

When others are lost we get looked at to make their plans, but end up stabbed in the back. I just wish I could understand the evil in a world full of wicked people.

People don't care about suffering they cant see with their own two eyes so The Sun sets happily, but another person dies. I just pray forgiveness is given for the friends I couldn't keep alive

I know this to be a truth. However so many judge the way I think and do. I as a human still try to reach perfection. But I fall and get sent in other directions.

In my world things are different from yours. When you see sunshine I see it pour. When it snows you get warm, but I'm used to the cold and thunderstorms.

I look above when I'm looking for hope. I see them dazzling lights finding comfort when thunder strikes. It's gorgeous seeing natures wrath. It makes me take different paths so I can learn as I find my way.

Others play safe until risk starts to outweigh and there's a chance of consequence. They get pompous and point in directions avoiding their own mistakes. Those closest are the first betrayed

I know this to be true my life's been hurt by others misconstrusions. They see me with the lesser and get confused, they have a story but none to tell it too. So I listen and I'm all ears but word spreads and I can't control what others hear.

So I'm labeled different because of what others fear. In the meantime I try to understand their life lessons and avoid the mistakes they made and wish could change.

I apply it to my life then authority gets confused as to how a kid can be so wise. Listen I will tell you the clothes, talk, and Flags are parts of human stories. However because they're raised different they don't get the glory.

Trust me you can't lead people without a plan, but you can't guide people without knowing them as a man. People only see what's chosen to be revealed, but Lord knows I'm a broken person that hasn't healed



About the Creator


Be the light others can't show, Be the water to the ones who can't grow, Be the friend others wish to know. Don't lose yourself to pain because it might never let go. 031

-19 made it into college lol


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  • Drew Nicholson2 years ago

    Very well organized and clear message.

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