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Melody Unbound

A Performance Poem

By Samson E. GiftedPublished 14 days ago 4 min read
Melody Unbound
Photo by Xavier von Erlach on Unsplash

In the beginning, there was silence,

A void, a vacuum, an absence of sound.

Then came the first whisper, a breath, a hum,

An inkling, a hint, a thread unspun,

And thus began the saga of melody.

A single note, pure and clear,

Pierced the stillness, a drop in an ocean.

It swelled and multiplied,

Echoed and harmonized,

Gave birth to a river of song.

Hear the birth of melody,

From a whisper to a roar,

A phoenix rising from the ashes,

Spreading wings of harmony.

In the heart of an ancient forest,

Where trees stand tall as time,

Where roots weave tales of old,

Melody was born.

The rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze,

The babble of a brook over stones,

The song of a lark at dawn,

These were her first lullabies.

She learned the language of the wind,

The symphony of storms,

The percussion of raindrops on leaves,

The crescendo of waves crashing on distant shores.

From nature's orchestra, she drew her power,

Each note a story, each chord a life,

Intertwined, interwoven,

A tapestry of sound.

Melody danced with the seasons,

A waltz with winter, a tango with summer,

A minuet with autumn's golden hues,

A lively jig with spring's green bloom.

She sang the song of the mountains,

Majestic and grand,

Echoed through valleys,

Reverberated in caverns deep.

The stars became her audience,

The moon her spotlight,

The night her stage,

And the world, her audience.

Melody, unbound and free,

Transcended the mundane,

A bridge to the divine,

A path to the ethereal.

She found her way to human hearts,

Through lullabies sung at cradles,

Through hymns that filled grand cathedrals,

Through the strum of a lone guitar under moonlit skies.

In the rhythm of a blacksmith's hammer,

In the cadence of a farmer's plow,

In the beat of a soldier's march,

Melody was there.

She was the muse of the minstrel,

The inspiration of the bard,

The heart of every ballad,

The soul of every song.

She wove herself into tapestries of love,

Of loss, of joy, of sorrow,

Each thread a melody,

Each strand a note.

Melody, a constant companion,

In moments of solitude,

In gatherings of many,

In laughter, in tears.

She found herself in the pulse of cities,

The heartbeat of urban life,

In the honk of horns, the rumble of trains,

The hum of neon lights.

In jazz clubs thick with smoke,

In symphony halls pristine and grand,

In the strum of street musicians,

Melody thrived.

She danced through the ages,

A chameleon of sound,

From the chants of monks in ancient cloisters,

To the electric beats of modern DJs.

Melody was a rebel,

Breaking barriers, defying norms,

A voice for the voiceless,

A cry for freedom.

In times of war, she was a rallying cry,

A song of defiance, a hymn of hope,

In times of peace, she was a balm,

A gentle lull, a soothing tone.

She crossed borders, defied languages,

Spoke to the soul, the universal tongue,

Uniting, dividing,

A force unstoppable.

Melody in the hands of masters,

Became symphonies, concertos, operas grand,

In the hands of the humble,

A simple tune, a folk song, a chant.

She was the breath of the flute,

The voice of the violin,

The heartbeat of the drum,

The soul of the singer.

From the highest soprano to the deepest bass,

From the delicate pluck of a harp,

To the powerful blast of a trumpet,

Melody thrived.

In the quiet of a desert night,

Under a canopy of stars,

In the roar of a bustling marketplace,

Melody lived.

She was the sigh of the wind through ancient ruins,

The laughter of children in fields of wildflowers,

The whispered secrets of lovers,

The mourning cry of the bereaved.

Melody transcended time,

From the first hum of early man,

To the synthesized beats of tomorrow,

She endured.

Her form ever-changing,

Yet her essence the same,

A river flowing, ever-moving,

Carving paths through the heart of humanity.

She was the voice of the divine,

A whisper of the cosmos,

A connection to the infinite,

A bridge to the eternal.

In the sacred silence of meditation,

In the ecstatic dance of celebration,

In the reflective stillness of grief,

Melody was present.

She found her way into rituals,

Into rites of passage, sacred and profane,

A soundtrack to the human experience,

A constant thread through the tapestry of life.

Melody was the muse of creation,

Inspiring art, poetry, and prose,

A catalyst for expression,

A spark for innovation.

From the chants of monks in mountaintop monasteries,

To the anthems of nations,

From the serenades of lovers,

To the cries of revolutionaries,

Melody wove her way.

She was the ink in the poet’s pen,

The brushstroke on the artist’s canvas,

The rhythm in the dancer’s step,

The passion in the actor’s voice.

Melody was the pulse of the universe,

The heartbeat of existence,

A reminder of the beauty,

Of the chaos, of the order.

In every breath, in every heartbeat,

In the laughter, in the tears,

In the silence, in the noise,

Melody lived.

She was the essence of being,

The core of existence,

A testament to the power of sound,

A tribute to the magic of music.

And so, as long as there is life,

As long as there is breath,

Melody will continue to sing,

A never-ending song,

A symphony of the soul.

In the end, there was melody,

A reminder of all that was,

All that is, and all that will be,

An eternal note in the symphony of the cosmos.

For melody is life,

Melody is love,

Melody is the heartbeat of existence,

The eternal song of the universe.

Melody unbound, forever free,

A testament to the power of sound,

A tribute to the beauty of music,

A celebration of life.

For FunFree Versechildrens poetry

About the Creator

Samson E. Gifted

SEG, is a talented writer, editor, and publisher known for his exceptional storytelling and keen eye for detail. With a passion for words and a commitment to excellence earning a reputation as a respected figure in the publishing industry.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (2)

  • Margaret Brennan14 days ago

    So elegant. Wonderfully done. Whether or not people believe in the soothing of the melody, how often do they find themselves humming without a second thought? Music lives in us and your poem demonstrates that excellently.

  • Your poem beautifully captures the essence and omnipresence of melody in our lives. The imagery of melody weaving through nature, human endeavors, and emotions is both powerful and evocative. Your words resonate deeply, illustrating the universal language of music that connects us all. Thank you for sharing such a poignant and inspiring piece.

Samson E. GiftedWritten by Samson E. Gifted

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