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The history of Luna horse

By Burim DedushiPublished 8 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Louise Pilgaard on Unsplash

In a quaint, picturesque village nestled in the heart of a lush valley, there lived a horse named Luna. Luna was not just any horse; she was a beloved member of the village community, known for her stunning coat, which shone like the midnight sky, and her gentle, kind disposition.

Luna had grown up alongside the village children, carrying them on her back as they played games and explored the meadows and forests surrounding the village. She was wise and patient, always watching over the youngsters as if they were her own foals.

One summer evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Luna sensed something was amiss. She pricked up her ears and turned her head to the north, where a dense forest loomed. A faint cry, like that of a wounded animal, reached her ears. The villagers had also heard the cry and gathered to discuss its origin.

The village elder, a kind and wise woman named Elara, spoke softly. "There are stories of a lost and injured creature in the forest, a creature that needs our help. It is said that only a horse with a heart as pure as Luna's can guide us through the dark woods and bring the lost one back safely."

Without hesitation, the villagers decided to venture into the forest, guided by Luna's luminous presence. They equipped themselves with lanterns, blankets, and provisions, and as night fell, Luna led the way with Elara atop her back. The villagers followed closely, their hearts filled with hope and gratitude for their beloved horse.

Deeper into the forest they ventured, following the distant cries until they stumbled upon a young fawn, its leg caught in a snare. Luna and Elara approached the frightened creature with gentle reassurance. Luna bent down, her strong teeth delicately freeing the fawn from the snare. With a graceful nudge from her velvety nose, Luna urged the fawn to its feet.

As the fawn scampered off into the forest, the villagers cheered. Their gratitude toward Luna knew no bounds. They returned to the village, guided once again by Luna's radiant coat, and shared tales of their adventure. Luna, covered in a dewy cloak of gratitude, basked in the warmth of the villagers' love.

From that day forward, Luna was not just the village's beloved horse; she was their guiding light, their symbol of kindness and compassion. She continued to watch over the village children as they grew, her midnight coat gleaming in the sunlight by day and glowing softly in the moonlight by night.

Luna's story became a cherished legend in the village, a reminder that even in the darkest of forests, the light of kindness and the guidance of a true friend could lead the way.


About the Creator

Burim Dedushi

Writing is my passion, it calms the soul and relaxes the mind

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