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Sun rising story and girl Lily

By Burim DedushiPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Gabriel Affonso on Unsplash

Once upon a time in a small, picturesque village nestled between rolling hills and a tranquil river, there lived a young girl named Lily. She had always been an early riser, and her favorite part of the day was watching the sunrise. Each morning, as the world was still cloaked in darkness, she would quietly slip out of her cozy bed and tiptoe to the edge of the riverbank.

Lily's village was known for its breathtaking sunrises, which painted the sky with a symphony of colors that danced upon the river's surface. The villagers believed that these sunrise displays were a gift from the heavens, and so they cherished this daily spectacle as a time of reflection and gratitude.

One crisp autumn morning, as Lily stood by the riverbank, the sky was a canvas of indigo and violet hues. Stars still twinkled overhead as the first hints of dawn began to streak across the sky. She shivered in the chilly air but couldn't tear her eyes away from the horizon.

As the minutes passed, the sky transformed into a masterpiece. Fiery oranges and soft pinks blazed through the darkness, and the river mirrored the breathtaking colors, making it seem as though the entire world was painted with the Sun's radiant brushstrokes. Lily's heart swelled with wonder as she watched the magic unfold before her.

However, on this particular morning, there was something different. Just as the Sun was about to make its grand entrance, Lily heard a faint, melancholic tune carried by the wind. It was the sound of a flute, and it seemed to echo from the distant hills.

Lily followed the haunting melody to a nearby grove of trees. There, she discovered an old man with a long, flowing beard. He was seated on a mossy rock, playing the flute with a look of deep sadness in his eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you playing such a mournful tune on this beautiful morning?" Lily asked, her curiosity piqued.

The old man paused and looked at her with a gentle smile. "I am Eli, and I have played this flute by the river every sunrise for as long as I can remember," he replied. "But today, something is missing."

Lily listened intently as Eli explained that he had always played his flute to greet the Sun and express his gratitude for each new day. However, this morning, the Sun had yet to rise, and Eli feared that it might never return.

Determined to help, Lily took Eli's hand and led him back to the riverbank. Together, they watched the eastern horizon with hope in their hearts. Just as they were about to give up, a faint sliver of golden light appeared on the edge of the world.

The Sun had returned.

As the Sun's warm rays bathed the village and the riverbank in light, Eli began to play his flute once more. This time, his tune was filled with joy and gratitude. The villagers, awakened by the beautiful melody and the sight of the rising Sun, joined them by the riverbank, celebrating the return of the Sun with music and dance.

From that day forward, Lily and Eli continued to watch the sunrise together, sharing the precious moments of each new day. They realized that the Sun's absence had made them appreciate its beauty and the gift of each day even more.

And so, in that small village between the hills and the river, the sunrise became a symbol not only of the Sun's return but also of the power of hope and the beauty of shared moments. It reminded everyone that even in the darkest of times, there was always a new day on the horizon, waiting to be embraced with joy and gratitude.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Burim Dedushi

Writing is my passion, it calms the soul and relaxes the mind

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