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Lucky in Love

A prose poem about being lucky to have love with you all through the years

By Denise LarkinPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read
Lucky in Love
Photo by Christopher Beloch on Unsplash

Lucky in love is what people may say but luck has nothing to do with this love. Some may think that luck is what brings people together but in this case, it's foretold in mysterious ways.

Two souls forever entwined. Meant to be as some would say.

We met when we were children, but we did not speak, just stared from afar feeling our hearts glide. One day, when we were older, a late teenage romance flourished as our eyes mate from across a room full of people. My heart spoke to me. Goose pumps reared the way telling me he was the one. I looked away and turned, only to find him staring. Your wondorous blue eyes flashed, speaking a language I did not understand until my heart swooshed itself into my senses. A voice or murmur spoke to me mysteriously and my body acted of its own will, something I'll never spill.

A spindling of my heart into yours, lead me to meet you for a date. I was nineteen and you were twenty. We blossomed together so casually like two dolls on a cake; a vision I'd seen at thirteen. It was meant to be; I'd foreseen us standing under wedding bells. It spindled me ahead knowing you would be mine and I would be yours. Was this luck?

No. I believe not.

The day we were to meet had nearly crippled our love. Waiting at the station you were an hour late, but then there were no mobiles in the eighties to warn me and tell me you would be making me wait. Agreed to meet at London's Victoria station, I waited patiently somehow knowing you'd arrive. My senses believed you were detained unfairly to stop our love from brimming ahead. Devious hounds were at play but nothing would slash this day; it veered on, like it was meant to; like nothing would get in our way.

From there, our love flowered. It swindled with happiness, fulfilling our souls, giving us a lucky bout of a love that was meant to be. Then the day came when my spontaneous vision revealed its truth. A man and a lady on a wedding cake. Bells ringing loudly in my ears. My white flowing gown and your bright blue suit matching the blue ribbons in my hair. We flowed down the lengthy aisle and our eyes twinkled alive as our trembling hearts beguiled. Now, thirty four years since that heavenly day we sought and all is as it is, glorious in life, bloomed in style.

Our life together, grown to a flourishing bow of laughs. Most importantly, no money or poorness has broken us or separated us, because we are meant to be.

This is not luck or lucky in love. It's two powerful souls locked together for eternity. Luck does not come into it but if it did, I would say, I am lucky for our union, our partnership. We battled life through the thick fog of sadness and death that we've flown through together. Luck is on our side and always will be, for we are bound together for eternity.

Together, strong and powerful, we will endure the future, whatever it may be. Lucky in love is just a saying, but I feel lucky to be loved by you and I'll glide along with it, always and forever, a yearning never to stop, a glitter, a spark of our hearts entwined now and in the next life.

©️ Denise Larkin 2021. All Rights Reserved.

love poems

About the Creator

Denise Larkin

A writer with a BA in Arts & Humanities (specialism Creative Writing), studying for an MA in Creative Writing, writes poetry and fictional short stories. The author of Time to Run, The Island of Love, Darkness, and The Non-Human.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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