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Far From the Madding Crowd

A poem about Thomas Hardy's novel Far From the Madding Crowd and its story

By Denise LarkinPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
Far From the Madding Crowd
Photo by Jake Gard on Unsplash

A poem about the novel Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. I read this book recently for the third time and decided to write a poem about it. I was impressed by it and its story. It's a truly great novel!

Gabriel Oak

A man of great talents


Bathsheba Everdene 

A woman of beauty

Not only in her face

But in her personality

Honest, trusting,

And exquisite

In every way

He is ensconced

By her charm

As he relishes

Her farm.

He sees her

Riding her horse

Freely without a care

She smiles to herself

And he wonders

What she is thinking.

She cares for her workers

Like she cares for her farm

And the animals

Are like her babies

But alas, she does not want

A man.

Bathsheba is blind

She does not see Gabriel

His proposal too quick

She needs time 

To see his manner

For she cannot feel a man

Is worthy of her 

Until his love is shown

But she can have use for him

On her farm.


Will never leave Bathsheba

Alone and bereft

Without a hand 

To look after her stock

Like no other can.

His feelings

Cradle her

Looking out for her

A secret 

He can condone.

His love 

For marriage with her

That's the seed

He cannot deed.

But alas,

What is to come

Is heartbreak

When she sees

Another man.

A soldier

Who's love for her

Isn't set

As his heart

Is ruined for another

Thinking she is gone


So, the soldier

Finds Bathsheba

To set his sights on

Whilst Gabriel

Warns her

'The soldier isn't right'

'He is not for you'

'For he is for another'

'Not you'.

Bathsheba pushes Gabriel away

She is blind to his love

Of trying to save her

She cannot listen

To his mindful


About another man.

Gabriel packs his bags

All set to leave

But Bathsheba 


Will not let him go

Never realizing, 


As her heart thinks

It loves 

One other.

But alas,

She cannot 

Do without

Gabriel's talents 

On her farm.

Will she realize 

What love is?

Will Gabriel getaway?

What will it take?

For her eyes to see?


Will be the answer

For it cripples the heart

To see a terrible fate

Ending another's life

Far and beyond

Hopes are gone

Never to see

That love ever again.


Strikes her heart

Her answer


Why she cannot

Let Gabriel 


Can you guess how the story will end?

If not, then read the book by Thomas Hardy

Far From the Madding Crowd

A classic English story by far!

©️ Denise Larkin 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Also published on Medium.com

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About the Creator

Denise Larkin

A writer with a BA in Arts & Humanities (specialism Creative Writing), studying for an MA in Creative Writing, writes poetry and fictional short stories. The author of Time to Run, The Island of Love, Darkness, and The Non-Human.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

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