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Love Triangle

Sad But Life Goes On

By Melania J.L.Published 4 months ago 1 min read

Three hearts entwined,

In a love that once shined,

But now it's shattered and torn,

As three is a crowd, and love is forlorn.


She was my first love,

My heart and my soul,

But then he came along,

And stole her from my hold.


I watched in agony,

As they laughed and they kissed,

My heart breaking in two,

As I knew I'd be missed.


I tried to move on,

To find love anew,

But my heart still belonged,

To the girl I once knew.


Years went by,

But my love never died,

I watched from afar,

As they built a life by each other's side.


But then one day,

She came knocking on my door,

Tears in her eyes,

Asking for my love once more.


She said she made a mistake,

That he was never the one,

But I couldn't forgive,

For my heart had already been undone.


And so, we parted ways,

With tears and regrets,

For three is a crowd,

And our love was in debts.


Now I watch them from afar,

With a heavy heart and aching soul,

Knowing that I will always be,

The third wheel in this love triangle.

Thank you for reading!

love poems

About the Creator

Melania J.L.

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