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Love to The Changing Seasons

Use the beauty of nature as a metaphor for love.

By Akmal95JrPublished 8 months ago â€ĸ 1 min read

Love blooms in nature's grand design,

A symphony of beauty, truly divine.

In the garden of the heart, it takes its root,

Like flowers in spring, its grace to salute.

As seasons change, our love remains,

A steadfast force, where no loss sustains.

In winter's chill or summer's gentle breeze,

Our love's the shade beneath the ancient trees.

Like stars that pierce the midnight's dark,

Our love's the beacon, an eternal spark.

In the vast expanse of the universe above,

Our love's the constancy, the truth of love.

It's in the dance of leaves on a breeze,

A whispered secret among the trees.

In the song of birds at the break of day,

Our love finds its melody in nature's array.

As rivers flow, our love runs deep,

A connection in our souls to keep.

In mountains tall and valleys wide,

Our love's the landscape where hearts confide.

So, let our love be like nature's grand art,

A masterpiece woven from the very start.

Through all the seasons, it shall endure,

A love like nature's, forever pure.

love poems

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