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Love's Endless Embrace

A Celebration of Eternal Devotion

By SanjeevPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Love's endless embrace, a bond unbreakable,

Two hearts entwined, forever unshakable,

A flame that burns with a steady glow,

A love that only continues to grow.

In joy and sorrow, through thick and thin,

Together they stand, a united kin,

Sharing life's ups and downs as one,

Their love shining like the morning sun.

In moments of doubt, when storms draw near,

Their love remains steadfast, without fear,

For it is a love that's built to last,

A love that endures, through every contrast.

So here's to love, in all its splendor,

A gift that only grows more tender,

May we cherish it with every breath,

And keep its flame burning till the very end of our life's breadth.

surreal poetrylove poemsheartbreak

About the Creator


"Captivating tales weaved with words, emotions, and imagination. I am a storyteller who paints a picture of adventure, love, and life. Let me take you on a journey with my words."

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