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Poetry On Love And Hate

By MUHAMMAD ARSALAN NOORPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

Love's Embrace

In a world adorned with hues so bright,

Love emerged, casting away the night.

Two souls entwined, their hearts in sync,

A symphony of passion, on love's brink.

A touch so gentle, like whispering breeze,

Igniting flames within, love's sweet tease.

Eyes locked in a dance, souls aflame,

Love's embrace, an eternal claim.

Each word a melody, sung with grace,

Love's language, woven in time and space.

A tender kiss, a gateway to bliss,

Love's symphony, a dance they never miss.

Hate's Veneer

In shadows deep, where darkness resides,

Hate slithers, concealing its poisonous tides.

A venomous tongue, spewing words of scorn,

Seeds of bitterness, in hearts reborn.

Eyes filled with malice, a glint of spite,

Hate's grip tightens, squeezing out the light.

Fingers clenched, fists raised in rage,

Hate's storm brewing, an infernal stage.

Cruelty unleashed, like a tempest's wrath,

Tearing apart souls, on hate's twisted path.

Scorching hearts, leaving scars so deep,

Hate's legacy, a tragic tale to keep.

Love and Hate, a tale of duality,

One births joy, the other breeds hostility.

Choose the path that kindness does unfurl,

And let love's embrace illuminate the world.

performance poetryinspirational

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