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Longing for Connection and Comfort

Poem Letter for you - 1 - 29423

By pasin corauPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Longing for Connection and Comfort
Photo by Andrew Dunstan on Unsplash

Dear Beloved,

It's been so long since we've talked, and I find myself missing you more and more with each passing day. I hope this letter finds you well, and that life has been treating you kindly.

As I sit here writing to you, the world outside my window is alive with the sounds of nature. Birds are chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, and the distant hum of traffic in the background. It's a peaceful sound, and it reminds me of the countless times we spent outdoors, exploring and marveling at the beauty of the world around us.

Do you remember the time we went camping in the mountains, and we spent hours sitting by the fire, talking and laughing until the stars came out? Or the time we went to the beach, and we watched the sunset while eating ice cream and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore? Those memories are etched in my mind, and I treasure them more than anything.

Life has been a rollercoaster ride since we last spoke. I've had my fair share of ups and downs, and there were moments when I thought I wouldn't make it through. But somehow, I did. I've learned to be strong and resilient, to pick myself up after every fall, and to keep moving forward no matter how hard the road ahead may seem.

But there are days when I still feel lost and unsure of myself, when the weight of the world feels too heavy to bear. On those days, I find myself wishing you were here with me, to offer a kind word, a reassuring hug, or simply to sit by my side and listen as I pour my heart out.

I know life gets busy, and it's hard to find the time to catch up. But I hope we can make time for each other, even if it's just a quick phone call or text message. Because no matter where life takes us, you'll always hold a special place in my heart.

Take care of yourself, my dear. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With love and fondness,


love poems

About the Creator

pasin corau

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