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Longest Alliterative Poem (Unofficially)

“People in the Wild!”

By Charleen RicheyPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

**Alliteration World Record Unofficial Attempt: see below!**


http://www.poetryintheraw.quora.comI have been working on this for 2 days as a personal challenge to beat out the world record (for TOTAL FUN). Today, I submitted to Guinness Book of World Records!!!!

“People in the Wild”

Per playful personification:

Papa Panther’s petition, potentially patronized pasty, pathetically pale, pedantically pacing polar-bears whom particularly preferred their porters punctually, while privately pestering pretentiously perfect, peacefully pioneering penguins purportedly pulverizing peanuts playing poker. 31

Pacifying pandas poked, planted, and pruned pridefully poking-up popping pansies, poppies, peonies, and posies. 12

Pacing, pierced, pandering, pigs packaging pearls, prickly pears, papayas and painted pagan pipes, petitioned perky, paired, playfully pecking pigeons to participate pleasantly placid. 21

Present, were persnickety, perspiring, peddling porcupines passing by, pawning pianos for pittance and pennies. 10

As per the piranhas and pikas, they provided pinnacle performances playing pitch-polished-piccolos while pandering to the perilous platypus, as self proclaimed pedagogical peafowls plagiarized and perpetrated prosperously poisonous python prophets profiting by providing pitifully pretended, parochial, poetry. 28

The pheasants partied perpetually with philanthropic personable pleasant ponies performing paragraphs portrayed in Plato’s Apology, though plainly and posthumously Peripatetic in philosophical perception. 17

Parakeets, peregrines and partridges pandered to peccaries painstakingly placed upon pillows. They purchased the polecat’s plethora of plucked prawns. Provenders prioritized for the population. 17

Pink prairie-dogs parked purple pimped-out Pontiacs for perversely pompous Praying-mantises pining and peacocking to pump promiscuously, pleasantly plump, professionally prodding pussycats with packinghouse pushing, pragmatic pizzazz! 22

Perky, poised, pragmatic pelicans passing, perplexed by perspective, paused precariously pursing, pinching and puckering panicky beaks into permanent peaks pressing penance for prosperity! 18

Peacemaking paradigms painlessly provided proper performing parameters for pedigreed puppies, as pademelons personally praised parrots for providing particularly pretty, polished pantomiming performances. 19

Paranoid pantheistic porcupines, passionately pursued paddling pufferfish in prêt-à-porter pajamas painfully prodding and pushing paradoxical pachyderms to pontificate pestering possums in panties, providing powerfully provocative pep-talks with prejudice. 23

Parched, peeping porpoises pranced playfully in the park provoking passionately pacified puffins’ preciously pinching pungent pies of pears, plums, potatoes, piñons, pecans, pomegranate, pistachios and pineapples, upon palliative plates, to pitifully peril. 26

Pompously posh poodles pertained perfumes permeating the plethora of pizza produced, purchased and provided for Pit-bulls possessing “pinched” pistols pursuing pleasurably passionate, penitentiary provisions. 20

Periodically, the patronizing, pirating, panting pumas get payoffs to protect their partnerships from pedantically, pestering parasites parading with pompoms in popularity. 14

At a pivotal point, parrots progressively processed paychecks, parachuting postage parcels to politically push parliamentarian pursuits for policy-making and presidential prosperity. 16

Potentially proper provisions protected Pangaea, but pandemics prolonged progress. 8

Pasteurizing patriotic, paraplegic partridges periodically patronized pragmatic, persecuted preachers at photosynthetic pools to prevent both petrification or putrefaction. 14

Prince and princesses, patiently paged then persuaded palm-bugs, paying them to pacify piously poisonous patriarchal ploys, pontificating provincial, papal powers. 16

Privately pending postmodernists’ paintings portray this priceless, picturesque personification. 8

Palatable or pointless? Possibilities with plausibility? Perhaps on Pluto, or some other phenomenally puzzling planetary predicament. But here? Preposterous! 11


What a wild world we weave.

Charli Richey

May 6, 2021

performance poetry

About the Creator

Charleen Richey

Freelance/ghostwriter. Began writing in the single digits and was blessed with a mom who obtained a degree and career in English. My family is my motivation and inspiration to follow my passion! I look forward to sharing my work with you!

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