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Loneliness, is the normal state of life, learn to face

Life Truth

By Annette H DouglassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Whenever solitude is mentioned, most people think of the abyss, the fear, the darkness that one cannot fight against.

But Rousseau said, "The idleness of a solitary life is pleasant because it is free, out of its own volition."

Solitude is indeed not as terrible as one might think. It is not a phase, but a life that lasts throughout our lives.

As long as people have emotions and are keenly aware of their surroundings, they will feel lonely.

Loneliness is the flow of real emotions.

01. Learn to enjoy loneliness

Sooner or later, we all have to understand one thing: you are the last person to leave in your life, and no one can stay with you all the time.

I used to compare the forward movement of life to a car, and the end of this car is dead.

In the process of moving forward, there will be many people getting on, or getting off. Each person's departure or arrival may disrupt the rhythm of your life, happy and sad, which is the normal course of marching.

The car drive at a certain time, there may be a lot of people in the car or may be empty, but these do not matter. As long as you put your expectations to the minimum at the beginning, you can avoid the onslaught of sadness.

Whether or not there are people in the car, and how many people there are, should not be our focus for the whole process.

The scenery outside the window and the pedestrians, ourselves, is where we should focus our attention.

Watching the clouds roll in and out of the sky, watching the pedestrians rush outside the window, vehicles driving through the fields, passing by the grasslands, and about to go to the beach, are all very romantic.

Learn to enjoy solitude and learn to be friends with yourself, so that you can live up to your life.

02. Accept smallness and aspire to be strong

Our souls are often not rich enough, so we have to draw on the outside world to grow and become a better version of ourselves.

In this process of growth, loneliness is inevitable.

The word "loneliness" is composed of the word "solitude", which in ancient times was often a self-designation of the emperor, and "alone", which can be understood as a unique existence. In this way, solitude became a symbol of the strong.

Most people think of loneliness in terms of tossing and turning at night, being alone, and those moments when they cannot empathize with others.

These are indeed loneliness. We become small because of loneliness, but we can also become strong because of loneliness.

Seemingly lively get-togethers bring us joy, but there are too many social gatherings that are useless social gatherings. Instead of putting yourself in the middle of a carnival, you should be alone and enjoy the peace of the years.

The real strength is the inner strength.

There will always be moments in life that are heartbreaking, and moments of great enlightenment, and these experiences are often done alone.

When we are no longer afraid of being alone, when we can face the storms in life, only then will we truly grow.

At that time, when we mention loneliness again, what we think of is no longer fear, pessimism, and resistance, but calmness, confrontation, and courage.

03. Adjust your mindset and start afresh

It is a difficult thing to keep loving and living every day with great interest.

Even a happy person can be unhappy at times, and even a person who loves life can be overwhelmed at times.

The appearance of loneliness is precisely an opportunity for us to relieve ourselves and self-regulate.

We always need to think about the future and the past in the dead of night when no one is around and we look at the bright moon outside the window.

After thinking about it, we may have a deeper understanding of life and will be more likely to find joy in life. And then we will know how to live and how to get along with people.

Some people are twenty years old, but they are already old, and some people are eighty years old, but they are still young.

The most frightening thing about life is that you can't find the meaning of living, you can't realize the value of your life, and in the end, when you become a useless person, you can still comfort yourself with being ordinary and valuable.

When you are alone, you can seriously talk to yourself and figure out what you want and how to do it.

You need to live to have a head start and love the world.

To take this trip to earth, not only to see the sun but also to leave something to change the world.

Even if it can not be passed down to the ages, even if it can not be praised by future generations, but also try to prove that I came, and loved it.

Loneliness is the normal state of life, that one must learn to face.

When you feel lonely, enjoy the loneliness, experience the taste of loneliness, and do a good job of purifying your mind.

May you pick up your bag after being washed by life and continue to run to the next distant place.

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About the Creator

Annette H Douglass

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