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The best love, there is nothing better than this sentence

The best poem of love words

By Annette H DouglassPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Love is bright sunshine; love is the warmest on earth.

Love can give people comfort; love can give people strength.

In this life, we will eventually meet love, sooner or later, we will always meet it. This is an expectation, but also a belief.

Love, there are many kinds of love, the most fascinating, is the love of men and women. In this world, there are countless infatuated men and women, trapped in love, chaos in the heart, crazy about love, sinking for love.

When I was young, I was ignorant, but I did a lot of silly things for love. Although silly, and happy, the feeling of giving for love, is a rare and beautiful experience in life.

Of course, there will be times when it hurts. The tears that have been shed for love are the best proof that although they did not leave any traces, the memories engraved in the mind will not disappear.

In fact, in love stumbled, experiencing the sorrow and joy of love will grow, really mature, and will understand what the best love is like.

What is the best kind of love?

I think that the best love is more than one sentence: two hearts treat each other sincerely, two people hand in hand for the rest of their lives.

01. Two hearts treating each other sincerely

Love is born from the heart, love is born from the heart. Love is the fusion of two hearts, delivered to each other, no distance.

Two hearts merge, but also the meeting of souls. The soul mate, as we often say, is the highest level of love.

The soul mate must be two soul similar people. This kind of people, meeting and getting to know each other, know and love each other, is a natural thing and does not need a tortuous and complicated process, because the two people are attracted to each other.

Everyone desires to meet a person who is similar to their soul and fall in love with them, but it is difficult to meet such a person. Therefore, people have to lower their expectations of love and choose the right person to be with.

The right person may not have two hearts that are in harmony, but they will treat each other sincerely. The two people will be the most real side of themselves, unreservedly showing each other, and mutual acceptance, and tolerance.

The two hearts are sincere to each other, with no hypocrisy, no deception, no deliberate, get along easily and freely not tired. This kind of love is already rare in the world, and it is a great blessing to meet.

02. two people hand in hand for the rest of their lives

A relationship can go far, not a particular person can sway, but two people together to hold on to, to maintain, to operate. At the same time, it also requires the fulfillment of God.

In this world, many people truly love each other, but in the end did not come together, for different reasons, but regret and sadness are the same.

We often say that it is easy to love each other and hard to keep each other. Why is it difficult to keep each other? On the one hand, it is the personality of the wear and tear, the test of time, slowly changing the initial heart; on the other hand, it is the reality of force majeure reasons, and it can also be said to be predestined.

The most painful thing in the world is to love each other sincerely but not to the end. The most important thing is that you can't be together for the rest of your life, and that's a regret.

The best love, in addition to sincere love, also needs warm companionship, a lifetime, and never leave.

The two people hand in hand for the rest of their lives, no matter how many years, do not get bored, do not dislike, and always regard each other as the only one in the heart, no one can replace. This kind of love, a thousand gold hard to buy, if you can have, I do not know is the first few lives of cultivation.

03. The best love, nothing better than this

Everyone has what they consider to be the best love in their hearts.

The best way to get the most out of your life is to have a good time.

It's a matter of opinion as to what the best love is.

In my opinion, the best love is more than one sentence: two hearts treating each other sincerely, two people hand in hand for the rest of their lives.

The most difficult thing between people is to be friends with each other and treat each other sincerely. If you can meet a person who is sincere and genuine to you, you must cherish it.

This life is not long, not short, if you can spend it hand in hand with the person you love, then, no matter how long or short, it is worth it.

Two hearts treat each other sincerely, two people hand in hand for the rest of their lives. There is no better love than this.

May you meet a person who loves you deeply, and bring a person who will grow old. The rest of your life is happy and peaceful.

love poems

About the Creator

Annette H Douglass

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