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Life is Rhythm Anew

Live life in a way that you’re not conforming to society.

By AaronPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

In the silence of the night

When all else is quiet except the rhythmic beat of your heart

When nothing seems right

It’s then when you truly come to realize the grip that the world has had on you from the start.

You see the world thrives off the weaknesses of everyone and then drains our strengths.

As a result we feel drained, unwelcome, and fixated on the past.

At that moment we slowly become molded into the ideal faction of who society wants us to be.

It’s then when we become a version of ourselves on this earth that push us from the moral norms, symbolic of an outcast.

Like an addiction to a drug, our lives a now intertwined into the fabric of the worldly views and not the morals of which we should abide.

What was once a heart regarded as sacred and special, has now become a slave to the pleasure of others.

With every breath we inhale the toxic atmosphere in which we surround ourselves, ultimately damaging our pride.

And selling ourselves short for who we truly should be, when surrounded by the love of our sisters and brothers.

In time our rhythm becomes the rhythm of the world.

Our pleasures become the strength of which the world continues to operate on.

Bloodshed lives lost, hatred spewed, and spirits changed.

But still, in the quiet of the night, the rhythmic heartbeat can create within us a power that can rise with a new dawn.

From the very blood that runs through your veins lies a power that cycles every minute of every day.

Blood that is replenished with the oxygen it needs to feed your body.

That blood is symbolic of how we should live our lives in the here and the now, not someday.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, each morning we should rise to meet new standards, of who we are at our core and finally be somebody.

The road was never meant to be easy, in fact it should be a challenge that you face head-on.

Embrace the world, yes, but not what the world wants you to be.

For this world is nothing more than a temporary stop on the way to our ultimate destination.

A place where we will all sing in harmony, love truly, and live free.

So yes, change the world, but don’t let the world change you.

Be the difference you want to see in the lives of others.

After all, that silent rhythmic heartbeat we hear every night, is the essence of who we are at the core through and through.

And that my friends is love, love for you, for me, for one another.

Be the change in this world

Don’t be the world.

Be the love that flows within your veins.

Don’t be the hate.

And just like the rhythmic sounds of the heartbeat eventually fades as we fall into a deep sleep.

So should the rhythm of the world in our lives when we start anew, living the morals that run through each one of you.

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