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Let me in

When a single touch is a decade in the making, who knows what it will ignite

By Maegan BeanPublished 3 years ago 1 min read

I thought that the first time I touched you

It would be with healing hands.

That I would pull closed

Your wounds

Seal up your cracks

And massage you back to life.

I thought I'd want to temper the tide

To stop the bleeding.

To do with my hands and my mouth and my body

What I had tried to do for years with words alone.

But now

Now I have had you in my hands and caused the tremble in your chest

Now I have felt the fire burning under your skin

I've heard the thunder rumble from your throat

When we are beyond words

Now I have seen the depth of the being that peers out through your eyes

And I want to meet him.

I have seen glimpses but he has been stifled

And scared and pummeled into submission

He has been forced down

Shut up

Locked in.

I want to see him, all of him, shimmering and flaming and dancing in the sun or smoldering, simmering, glowing in the darkness.

So instead of holding you together, let me lay you bare.

Let me stoke the fire - feed it oxygen and bathe in its heat.

Let me watch as the cracks spread

As you emerge rather than disentegrate

Unfolding yourself

From the weight of lies you've told and we're told.

Let me feel you rise

At once New, unprecedented

And old, true, essential.

Let me see you rage and burn

Let me see you weep and release.

Let me see you

Let me fill my eyes

And mind

And heart

With you.

Let me

Let me in.

love poems

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