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Learning to Fly

Love gives you wings

By Dana StewartPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 1 min read
Learning to Fly
Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash

I like spiders and I don’t mind mice

Neither one of these give me a fright

Climbing a ladder will make me think twice

My blood shutters and shivers, such a sight


I like the wind and the view looks nice

Neither one of these give me a fright

Climbing a mountain makes me think twice

Just thinking about it keeps me up until Midnight


I like airplanes and a really tall building

Neither one of these give me a fright

I could never be a pilot for a living

Blindfolded though, I might


By now you think I have a fear of heights

Describing the altitude isn’t the content

What I describe that gives me frights…

what really scares me most is the ascent


Love doesn’t go up

First, you’ve got to fall

Take a gigantic leap, one big gulp

Then you’ve got to bounce, like a ball


I like kisses and I like hugs

Neither one of those give me a fright

The right love is a like a drug

A compromise of toes in the sand tonight


Thank you for reading! This is for Real Poetic's Mini Challenge to write a poem about your greatest fear.

love poems

About the Creator

Dana Stewart

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Comments (17)

  • L.C. Schäfer11 months ago

    Hmmmm. I suppose depths are scarier than heights, and impact is scarier than falling 🤔

  • Mariann Carroll12 months ago

    This is an awesome poem 💗

  • C. H. Richard12 months ago

    I read this earlier in the week during one of the days I could not sign into Vocal to leave comments. Wanted to make sure I came back to it. It is the falling that is the scariest whether it be falling in love or down a mountainside. Well down a mountainside might be worse - lol.Great job ♥️

  • Gina C.12 months ago

    I love this so much, Dana. It's so true that we fall in love only to (hopefully) go up! Also, if we don't go up, we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes. I love the way you expressed your fears here :)

  • Tiffany Gordon 12 months ago

    Simply Brilliant! I love it!

  • First I gotta fall? No thank you hahahahaha. Loved your poem!

  • Gerald Holmes12 months ago

    This is perfect. "First, you've got to fall." is such an apt description of life.

  • ema12 months ago

    I love your poem! "Love doesn’t go up / First, you’ve got to fall" is a great truth!

  • Novel Allen12 months ago

    The cover pic gave me virtigo. This was a really great poem.

  • Missclicked12 months ago

    beautifully depicted fear, loved reading it!

  • Jay Kantor12 months ago

    D - I have Coulrophobia - Fer-Real J

  • Lamar Wiggins12 months ago

    Great title, and the poem did not disappoint! I'm guessing you stay away from some rides at amusement parks. I used to love roller coasters. Not sure what happened but I don't ride them anymore, lol.

  • Kendall Defoe 12 months ago

    Well said!

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    So many wonderful & beautiful lines!!! Fabulous poem & loving it!!!❤️❤️💕!

  • Awesome 👍 Dana, I enjoyed reading your piece ❤️💯

  • Real Poetic12 months ago

    Ladders scare me too!

Dana StewartWritten by Dana Stewart

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