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Laugh Tale

Once upon a small town called Giggleville

By PraiseGod WilliamsPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
Laughter pills

Once upon a time, in a small town called Giggleville, there lived a group of friends who loved to laugh. They were known as the Giggle Gang, and their laughter was contagious. Every day, they would gather at the local park and share funny stories and jokes.

One sunny day, the Giggle Gang decided to have a laughter contest. They wanted to see who could make the others laugh the hardest. Each member took turns telling their funniest jokes, and the park echoed with laughter.

First up was Benny, the class clown of the group. He told a joke about a squirrel who forgot where he buried his acorns. The Gang burst into laughter, rolling on the grass with tears in their eyes.

Next was Lily, the master of silly faces. She made the most ridiculous expressions and contorted her face in the funniest ways. The Gang couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably at her antics.

Then it was Tommy's turn. He was known for his witty one-liners. He said, "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" The Gang erupted into laughter, applauding Tommy's clever joke.

But the laughter didn't stop there. Sarah, the prankster of the group, decided to play a funny trick on the others. She sneaked behind Benny and tickled him with a feather. Benny's laughter filled the air, and soon everyone was laughing along.

As the contest continued, the laughter grew louder and more infectious. The Gang shared hilarious stories, funny impressions, and even performed silly dance moves. They couldn't remember the last time they had laughed so much.

Suddenly, a passerby named Mr. Grumpy approached the group. He was known for his sour demeanor and rarely smiled. He couldn't understand why the Giggle Gang was laughing so much.

"What's all this noise about?" Mr. Grumpy grumbled.

The Giggle Gang looked at each other and then burst into laughter once again. They couldn't resist the opportunity to share their joy with Mr. Grumpy.

Benny stepped forward and said, "Mr. Grumpy, laughter is the best medicine. It brings people together, lightens our hearts, and makes us forget our worries, even if just for a moment. Why don't you join us and see how laughter can change your day?"

Mr. Grumpy hesitated for a moment, but then a small smile appeared on his face. He took a seat with the Giggle Gang and listened to their jokes and stories. Slow

FriendshipFor Fun

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PraiseGod Williams

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Comments (1)

  • Rowan Finley 5 months ago

    I adore this story! Love it. 😊

PWWritten by PraiseGod Williams

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