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Journey of Love: A River of Fire

Eyes of Love: A Journey through the River of Fire

By Young WriterPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

We have merged as one,

As I gaze into his eyes,

I wonder how he perceives me,

Does he see me at all?

Love is no simple affair,

Just grasp this truth,

It's akin to a river of fire,

And we must take the plunge.

The radiance on their faces,

They believe I'm doing fine,

Yet, my state can't be judged

By the lines on my palms.

Destiny is also for those,

Whose hands remain empty.

We shall remain unchanged,

Regardless of time's pace,

Each meeting will feel

Like a reunion of old souls.

We'll find our destination,

Even if we must wander,

Lost is the one

Who never ventured from home.

When I considered swimming,

There was no pain,

It was only upon seeing the wounds,

I felt the sting.

He valued the relationship,

While I spent a lifetime

Searching for my own flaws.

Your face is a beautiful verse,

A delightful ghazal,

Reciting the tale of love,

If only I could express it.

Love took everything away,

Or else, we were mere mortals,

The danger lies in getting lost

In this river of emotions,

Drowning in the pain,

And seeking the cure.

How old are you?

I asked for four days to pass,

Two were consumed by desire,

Two were spent in waiting.

What if you don't come?

The city won't vanish,

But without you,

There can be no peace.

Hear my plea,

The world remains empty,

You are the only one

Who wasn't informed.

I was already weary of life,

What difference did you make?

Reason doesn't weep,

In love, there's a divinity,

Greater than oneself,

Surely causing us to shed tears.

Let these birds fly,

I'm a free breeze, don't hinder me,

Those who truly belong to you,

Will return.

You once said,

You'd inquire about me every evening,

But you've changed,

Perhaps, your city lacks a lover like Shyam.

Caleb, throughout your life,

You kept making this mistake,

Dust was on your face,

While I kept wiping the mirror,

If there was nothing,

There was God.

If nothing happened,

There was God.

You drowned me,

Don't let me cease to exist,

If I weren't here,

What would have happened?

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Young Writer

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