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Inner Me

Pronounced Enemy

By Mesaye Published 3 years ago 1 min read
Top Story - December 2021
Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo Rising

There was a time I dressed in anger with hate as my veil and lies as the cloak

Depression laced with aggression became alcohol soaked

The kind that burns when it hits the throat

The smallest infraction set off the lust I had for anger

Witty sarcasm, dripped with violent vernacular

Became my recipe for disaster

Tearing any who dared test my skill

Singe in my brain was kill or be killed

Parable after parable the story remained the same

Even if I was at fault you were to blame

Sinking deeper into the abyss, I've conceded that this is my destiny

Unitl one sober morning, a moment of clarity

Followed by a workplace mandate; get fired or get therapy

Not willing to take a loss with anything attached to my name

I followed the rules, I played the game

In the back of my mind thinking; "this shit is so lame!"

I did only what was required of me

Until I got sat down to some in your face honesty

It came in the form of a video, showing some wild & crazy lady yo

I was laughing at how she entertained, how rambunctious she became

Then sip after sip the room got flipped

The lady was definitely on a trip

The therapist wanted me to take a closer look

I laughed at how this wild lady was off the hook

Oh she wearing some nice clothes & her shoes were lit

The therapist zoomed in closer & that's when it hit

"Is that me?", I thought, then "Awww shit!"

My laughter began to fade as I sit thinking my therapist is throwing shade

She looked closely at me & I think I've been made

This one question she posed at me was the catalyst to why I changed

Everything got real when she finally asked

"How does that make you feel?".......


About the Creator


From the moment I read my first Edgar Allen Poe story when I was 12 yrs old, I knew what made my heart flutter & what drove my imagination. Writing has been something I’ve loved doing, fell far away from & am now drawn back to it!

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    Mesaye Written by Mesaye

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