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In The Land of Make-Believe

A collection of my fantasy-based poems I wrote for the last few years!

By Talia DevoraPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
In The Land of Make-Believe
Photo by Andres Iga on Unsplash

1. Purple Coconut County (a front page pick on Allpoetry)

Wisteria grass, jasmine pine flowers

weed that is not sage.

Midnight violet pillows, hyacinth stars,

a byzantium night sky.

Barns covered in mauve

sprinkled with cyclamen petals.

Verbena hills, catmint brambles

and the smell of candytuft breeze.

The town I preserve

with my peers and elders.

I call this the Purple Coconut County

of Sweet Periwinkle, Ontario.

2. Cherry Blossom (a nature-based haiku chain)

Soft, blush and light petals

petite as champagne pink seeds;

grow on wooden twigs.

Mini carnations

now big as rouge lily pads;

giant sakura trees.

Pieces of art that

are brought to life by standing

beside the blue lake.

A group of flowers

dance to the music

of the fresh spring mist.

3. Purple Polliwogs (a love poem with anthropomorphic amphibians)

Purple polliwogs

frolic in the amethyst sea.

Blub, blub, blub,

as they wiggle along in a line of

two lavender floaters.

Sweet googly-eyed tadpoles

play in the magenta tangle

kissing, nuzzling, swinging,

and hearing the toot, toot, toot

as they dance the waltz.

Couples now girlfriend and boyfriend

mama, papa, sister and brother.

They stick like bubblegum,

stroll around the reefs

and play a round of

hide and seek.

Purple polliwogs

host an underwater wedding ,

hold tails and pirouette

near the coral sponge tunnel

and say, "muah, muah, muah".

4. Mother Earth (a song-inspired poem)

The land of Israel

basil hills and olive branches

oranges harvesting on trees

I hear the sound of

the moving sea.

The sky is bright turquoise

cloudless with white doves

flying and chirping and

hunting for the sun.

The soft speaking oboe

the silent strumming guitar

and the voice of

a choir singer at the park.

Tangerine gossamers

dancing in the fields

as they smell the

sweet herbal mist

travelling around the village.

The warm coconut beach

with arctic blue waves

glittery golden sand

and shells hiding in castles.

5. Lakshmi's Yard (a spiritual poem and front page pick on Allpoetry)

The metallic fairy sound spilling

from the holes of the metal baton

I sit on the wooden stool

as I strum and sing along

like a garden nymph.

The cool thyme wind dancing

as I lock my eyes

and my hair touching the air

sitting and chanting to the earth

and kissing the white peach light shining.

Garden hideout, summer afternoon

green leaves and rainbow plants standing

a blue birdhouse perching like a statue

as she reaches for the white cotton clouds

floating around the sky.

6. Gananoque (a poem about a childhood trip I went on)

The fairy tale kingdom

in the province of Ontario

with brick castles, stone pagodas

near the steel water of Summer's Island.

The wizard's doom behind

the sunless sky, eyeing the baby blue vapors

below the mossy trees of

the quaint Canadian inlet.

A mystical little town

that's unforgettable

contains vivid images

and authentic memories to add

to your childhood scrapbook.

Village shops and vintage pubs

are places to pig out and splurge

during a trip to the misty island.

Frog ponds and fisherman's lounges

are free attractions to enter

without paper bills and debit cards.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my poems! I hope you enjoyed reading them and shared them with other poetry lovers whom you may know. I also hope that these poems gave you your daily dose of joy and happiness. Please don't hesitate to send me a tip, click on the heart button and share them with others for both personal and professional purposes if you loved at least one of these poems. To connect with me outside of Vocal, follow me on Instagram @tdwrites24. Subscribe to me and stay tuned for more exciting poems, articles and stories. Seize the day! 🥰❤️💕👏🏻

Here's the link to my AllPoetry profile to view these poems on a different platform!

By Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

nature poetry

About the Creator

Talia Devora

Poetess, visual artist and lifestyle/quiz writer! My pastimes include reading, sleeping, gaming, music, fitness, etc! Be yourselves, be kind and value life! Let's connect and be friends!

My IG accounts: @tdwrites24 & @tdcreates97

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