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How It Feels Being Lonely

Being lonely creative thought

By Moris OchiengPublished about a month ago 2 min read
How It Feels Being Lonely
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

In the realm of solitude's profound embrace, a tale unfolds—a narrative of loneliness, spun within the delicate threads of a solitary existence. Herein lies the journey of a woman, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of her solitude, her heart a heavy burden, her spirit a fortress against the world's relentless tide.

Amidst the bustling thoroughfares and crowded boulevards, she moves, a solitary figure amidst the thronging masses. Faces blur past her like fleeting apparitions, their voices blending into an indistinct murmur, yet none seem to penetrate the impenetrable barrier of her solitude. Each step she takes reverberates with the weight of her isolation, echoing through the cavernous depths of her soul.

Through the maze of city streets and suburban alleys, she wanders, her footsteps tracing a solitary path upon the pavement. The cityscape stretches out before her, a tapestry of lights and shadows, yet she remains an outsider to its vibrant pulse. Her gaze lingers on the distant horizon, where the skyline meets the heavens, a silent witness to her solitary sojourn.

In the quietude of the night, she finds herself adrift in a sea of loneliness, the silence enveloping her like a shroud. The world around her slumbers, lost in the embrace of dreams, while she remains awake, a solitary sentinel beneath the watchful gaze of the moon. Memories, like ghosts, haunt the corridors of her mind, their whispers echoing in the darkness, a melancholy symphony of lost loves and missed connections.

Yet amidst the shadows of her solitude, there exists a fragile beauty—a resilience that lies dormant within the recesses of her soul. With each passing moment, she finds solace in the quietude, embracing the solitude as a companion rather than a foe. In the depths of her loneliness, she discovers a strength she never knew she possessed—a quiet courage that sustains her through the darkest of nights.

For in the heart of solitude's embrace, there lies a sanctuary—a refuge from the chaos of the world, where she can retreat into the sanctuary of her own thoughts. Here, amidst the silence, she finds the space to breathe, to reflect, to simply be. In the stillness of the night, she learns to listen—to the whisper of the wind, the rustle of the leaves, the beating of her own heart.

And as the first light of dawn breaks across the horizon, she emerges from the depths of her solitude, her spirit renewed, her heart unburdened. For though she walks the path alone, she is never truly lonely, for within the confines of her solitude, she discovers a world of infinite possibility—a world where she is free to chart her own course, to forge her own destiny.

And so, with each new day, she sets forth upon her solitary journey, her spirit unyielding, her resolve unwavering. For in the end, it is not the loneliness that defines her, but the strength she finds within it—the courage to embrace the solitude and emerge, unbroken, into the light of a new day.


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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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